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Enough Apologies (column on Pope's comments and reaction to them)

Larry Brown #43

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Here's my kind of apology

I'm sorry your are back assed and live by a religion that tells you to smite necks and fight everyone that's not muslim

I'm sorry I firebombed the town where one of our citizens had his head cut off

I'm sorry I overflew your ****hole country to get to the other ****hole country that I wanted to firebomb

I'm sorry Im opportunistic and had my Air Force bomb a "Death to America" parade in your country

I'm sorry in advance for nuking your country if we have another 9/11 type incident

Actaully, I take the last "sorry" back

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Great use of the multi-quote, hermag. I was thinking of that myself. It's ludicrous. How can these look in the mirror?

Someone from the West-- Boy, these Islamic radicals are violent.

Al Jazeera -- The West is calling Islams violent.

Islam Spokesperson -- I am deeply offended by these remarks. We are a peace loving people.

Islam Cleric -- How dare they call us a violent people. Kill them all.

Islam Civilian 1 -- Kill them all? Is that a metaphor?

Islam Civilian 2 -- No, that is a dictate from Allah!

Islam Civilian 1 -- Are you sure?

Islam Civilian 2 -- He is questioning Allah. Kill him. Kill him.

Reporter -- Riots broke out and the death toll is still rising. All this violence seems to be part of an extensive effort to prove how non violent true Islam really is.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

If I do a cartoon next week about Al Jazeera at the MNF game,, can I use this?



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