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Guess who our LEADING TACKLER was today...


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Darrel Green's performance was inspiring to say the least. He just continues to defy conventional wisdom and the aging process. As a fan, we just have to savor this last season of his career.


"A man with a sharp tongue can sometimes slit his own throat"

[edited.gif by Drex on October 21, 2001.]

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Darrell Green's going out with fire works and the whole nine yards! Just the way it ought to be, not bytching, but contributing, demonstrating and having a good time. The wife probably made him overlook all the politics and told just have a good time savor the career when he leaves. I love to see us short guys defy the odds biggrin.gif

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I dunno. For 3 weeks now, I've watched our undermanned D hang tough with absolutetly zero support from the O in terms of point support or time of possession to let them catch their breath. That catches up to ANY defense, much less one going with a some guys off the street manning the line.

Seems to me right now our D is not our biggest problem.

If they keep showing me the life they've shown as a general trend lately, before predictably fading late in games where they're constantly back on the field ... I'll be satisfied for now.

Add some pass-rushing skill on the line in the offseason, and we just might have something.

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I don't think you can gripe about a defense when (I think) three times you giev them the ball in our territory, and they get to first-and-goal at least twice, without any points.

We even seemed to be getting a decent pass rush with only 4 guys.

(I would've like to stop Biakacantspellit a few times, though. If theyd've handed off on those -and-goal situations we'd still be whining).

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You know how Marty could win a bunch of PR points and more importantly a lot of respect from the team ? Admit he's made some mistakes, say he's going to try to set them straight starting with this one and publicly ask Darrell Green to play one more year.

While I don't think he's still at his age starting material anymore, he's invaluable as a backup and nickel back. It would allow us one additonal draft to have to worry about trying to replace him thereby giving an additional pick that could be used on another problem area (as though we don't have plenty of them).

Just my .02

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