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What happens when the coordinator caves to the star's preferences?


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I think it's not unfair to say Lavar was working the media a couple of weeks ago hoping to get a message to Lewis that changes in his role and the scheme were necessary. Fortunately our players told him to shut up, and Lewis had the juice of success to keep things steady.

But, if you want an example of what can happen to a team when the coordinator caves to the star player, look no further than Dallas and Bruce Coslet and Larry Allen. The Boys have not taken to the tandem zone blocking scheme. This scheme actually calls for Allen to play in space, on the move, against smaller guys and he has been falling all over himself. He doesn't have the ability to do what he's being asked to do. Perhaps similar to Lavar at defensive end.

In response to the criticism, Coslet adjusted the offensive line positioning, making three changes to suit Allen and he's letting Allen block in man blocking that he prefers. Here, we're essentially telling Lavar, "Learn how to do it if you can't." In both cases our best defensive player and their best offensive player are completely lost in the new systems and playing like weaknesses instead of strengths.

There, they've changed everything. Here, it's steady as she goes. It will be interesting to see which approach works more rapidly.

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You have a point, but I'd not change the defensice systems. I would limit the defensive calls slightly NOW, to keep LaVar in the places he is more comfotable. Then as he re-gains confidence, put in the rest of the defensive calls that move him around more. Bend but don't break the D.


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I agree.

I wouldn't change defensive systems either. The time for that has passed. But, last year, while we didn't change defensive systems, we did change almost everything we were doing. But, we did that on a unit-wide basis and not just for any individual player's needs.

Perhaps the best thing that could have happened to Lavar is that wrist injury will prevent him from lining up in a down position very much. If he can do well floating around more as Lewis started to do last week, then we can utilize him how he likes without really making a concession to anything but his injury.

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Nice comparison, though, you have left out a factor that has contibuted to Larry Allen's less than stellar play. Injury. LA has been hobbled with a Foot injury throughout training camp and reaggravates the injury every time he plays.

LaVar Arrington has been realativley healthy throughout Camp and the season. His problems adapting to Marvin Lewis's system is more celebrae. Every year LaVar starts out slow, blowing assignments, costly penalties. He eventully settles down as the season progresses and flashes mid to late season.

LaVar Arrington is not a very smart player. His athletic ability buys him time to learn systems. Not a very smart player.

Funny though, even with all the moves Dallas's offense has improved steadily. The production has increased every week.

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the thing that I would be worried about if I were you is the fact that everywhere that Coslett goes, the head coach gets fired, then Coslett gets the job and nothing ever improves, than later after more wasted time, Coslett gets fired. How Coslett gets credit for being a good coach, I do not know.

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Its not about intelligence Qcard.

You have two linebackers in Jerramiah and Lavar who are used to playing in space and freelancing to get to the ball and make the plays now they have to get used to a system that is structured and in alot of cases require them to just contain and not make the play.

Takes restraint

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Originally posted by codeorama


the thing that I would be worried about if I were you is the fact that everywhere that Coslett goes, the head coach gets fired, then Coslett gets the job and nothing ever improves, than later after more wasted time, Coslett gets fired. How Coslett gets credit for being a good coach, I do not know.

I am living in FEAR of that happening. Campo, if he gets fired mid-season, will be replaced by Coslett. If Coslett remains after the season as the new HC, we are in for suck-dom for several more years. If we choose another HC, Coslett's ego will NOT allow him to remain here as the OC, bye bye Coslett and hello new offensive system. AGAIN.

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