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Inside the Redskins with Philippe Gardent

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Very interesting... but it's in french

I love that for the preseason game :

« Nous n’avons pas cherché à gagner ces matchs de pré saison, nous avons cherché à vous évaluer. Nous voulions vous mettre dans des situations complexes sans avoir de plan de match pour jouer nos adversaires », nous a clairement dit Jo Gibbs. « Cette évaluation est primordiale à nos yeux même si bien sûr nous ne sommes pas heureux de perdre mais quand il sera temps de gagner, on fera le nécessaire »

Use yahoo for translate :)

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“We did not seek to gain these matches of pre season, we sought to evaluate you. We wanted to put to you in complex situations without having of plan of match to play our adversaries”, clearly said us OJ Gibbs. “This evaluation is of primary importance in our eyes even if if of course we are not happy to lose but when it is time to gain, one will do what is necessary”

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Well, the Germans and Dutch are starting to know and love our American football but there are still some guys from the defunct teams and the rest of Europe floating around over there.

Anyway, have you seen Gardent play? He is the leading tackler in NFL Europe and can most certainly knock you on your butt with minimal effort.

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He's only on the team because it is required of EVERY NFL team. Consider it a favor to make French people feel somewhat more useful.

Not every team. Just 8 teams I beleive. NFC East and AFC North teams all have an extra spot on their practice squad for European players.

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The NFL in Europe seems to be holding it's own. It will take some time as practically everyone there is anti American and will relate the sport to us, but as they see the complexities and the physicality of the game, it should soon be a major sporting event there.

I wouldn't be surprised to see anywhere from 3 to 6 teams from there be incorporated into the current NFL system here in America, within the next 15 to 20 years.

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Greg Williams: « If you wanna be a back up in this league you have to learn not to take any rep in practice and when your chance comes, you have to show up and play better than the starters* »

Au niveau des line backers, nous sommes à peu près équivalent au niveau physique : le cahier de jeu est fait pour des LBs rapides, explosifs. La différence se fait sur la lecture et l’expérience. Il y en a vraiment 4 qui sont impressionnants et sortent du lot : leur jeu est fluide. Relâchés dans leurs déplacements, ils agressent le jeu en un éclair quand il se développe de leur coté. En fait, je viens de réaliser que tu peux courir ton 40 yards en 4.4 mais si tu penses lentement sur le terrain, tu vas parraitre courir un 4.9 ; inversement, si tu cours un 4.8 mais que mentalement, tu reconnais ce qui ce passe VITE, tu vas alors sembler courir un 4.4! Un seul but désormais, FASTER, FASTER, FASTER!!! Recognise Faster, Think Faster, Run Faster...

Try a translate :

At linebackers, we are about equivalent at the physical level: the book of play is made for of LBs rapids, explosives. The difference is done on the reading and the experience. There are of them really 4 which is impressive and leaves the batch: their play is fluid.

Slackened in their displacements, they attack the play in a flash when it develops of their with dimensions. In fact, I come to realize that you can run your 40 yards into 4.4 but if you think slowly on the ground, you will run one 4.9; conversely, if you run one 4.8 but that mentally, you recognize what this master key QUICKLY, you then will seem to run one 4.4! Only one goal from now on, FASTER, FASTER, FASTER!!! Recognise Faster, Think Faster, Run Faster...


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