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My Concerns Related to Pass Protection


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This worries me this year. Last year we kept in 2 TE's alot, and sometimes with 2 RB's, leaving one WR to run routes. With all these receivers we will not be protecting the QB as much, and this could expose some weaknesses. I hope they step it up on the line, especially the left side.

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This worries me this year. Last year we kept in 2 TE's alot, and sometimes with 2 RB's, leaving one WR to run routes. With all these receivers we will not be protecting the QB as much, and this could expose some weaknesses. I hope they step it up on the line, especially the left side.

Thats a great shout, and something that worries me also. I think we will draft some o-line players anyway and i hope it isnt a big issue.

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Part of that problem is tied to only having one WR threat. How easy is it for a team to tee off when they don't have to worry about multiple recievers. That free's up LB's to Blitz or just be another pass rusher. We now have several deep threats and run deep patterns, shallow patterns and crossing routes all on the same play. What a novel idea. It will be much less hectic for MB in the pocket, as a result.

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This worries me this year. Last year we kept in 2 TE's alot, and sometimes with 2 RB's, leaving one WR to run routes. With all these receivers we will not be protecting the QB as much, and this could expose some weaknesses. I hope they step it up on the line, especially the left side.

This is true but with our newly aquired weapons Defenses will have to spread out to defend us. They wont be able to stack 8 or 9 in the box because we have 9 or 10 in the box like last year. And with them having to spread out portis will run wild thru gaping holes. If they blitz..... Moss, lloyd, RE, Cooley, or portis.... one of them will be open on a hot read. Redskins will be a nightmare to stop. Just having RE on the field they have to respect what he does. We just have to execute the gameplan on offense. I think Mark Brunell is a great leader and gives us the best chance to execute every weeks game plan.

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I also agree that for our new WRs give us a much improved capability in our passing attack. However in order for us to actually get 3 or 4 receivers into a play we need the QB to stay in the pocket so that the entire field is in play (last season Mark rolled-out a lot in order to gain time; but that strategy cut the field in half).

From what I have read Saunders will have a much more varied play calling strategy in order to keep defenses guessing (passing more on first down, mix in screens, draws, pitch-outs, or quick slants on 3rd downs).

I do agree that our OL blocking is going to be the primary factor in the success of our offense. I also think that a less predictable offensive play calling will be a significant factor in the success of our overall offense.

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Part of that problem is tied to only having one WR threat. How easy is it for a team to tee off when they don't have to worry about multiple recievers. That free's up LB's to Blitz or just be another pass rusher. We now have several deep threats and run deep patterns, shallow patterns and crossing routes all on the same play. What a novel idea. It will be much less hectic for MB in the pocket, as a result.

I agree 100%, less men in the box will allow our offense to open up in so many different ways, running, passing, play action the list goes on and on. Only problem I see is what happened to the Colts, they had all the offensive weapons but couldn't get it done against an all out blitz. Let's hope Saunders and Gibbs have an answer for that.

How could I forget? All of this will work only if Mark quits his 15yd drop, the guy has to stay in the damn pocket or all of these FA's won't do us any good. WHOA! Hold on Brunell lovers I'm not bashing! Watch the games over again, when MB took the normal 3-5 step drop we were golden, when he did his 15yd drops he was consistently outside of the protection and was pretty much inaffective. He needs to stay in the pocket for us to be successful, if and win the pocket breaks down take off but not until then.

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