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Don't Worry, Be Happy


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LOL! Sorry for the Bobby McFerrin reference. However, I am beginning to see the beginnings of worrywarts on our site. It happens every year. We make some big time moves for big time money and we begin to be afraid the coaches are not going to address other issues on the team. This year we sign to talented wide receivers and now some people are beginning to wonder if we are going to have enough money to shore up the defensive line. I would like to say that we should not ever worry about not having enough money. As a matter of fact, we should ban the phrase from the forum. We always have enough money to do what we need to do.

We also can rest assured because our team is being run by Coach Gibbs now and we have looked like a team on a mission ever since he returned. He has made all the right moves, whether or not we thought they were right at the time, for the team to succeed. He has helped us return to the playoffs after a long 5 or 6 year drought. We can trust Coach Gibbs to do the right thing. Now i know everyone has the right to worry, complain, cheer, or jeer, but i just want everyone to enjoy the fact that our team actually tries to put a winning product on the field. So enjoy the offseason. Sit back and enjoy the Christams-like feel the Off-season has when you are a Redskin fan. We used to only when in the Off-season, now we are winners....period!



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I think worrying is just a part of fandom. You cant please everybody all the time.

But I jsut think of it this way. We are worried because we ARE getting people. Just imagine how much it must suck to worry beause you ARENT getting people.

Puts it all into perspective. :point2sky :logo:

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Here I'm officially gonna be an ignore any problems, be ecstatic with signing - guy!

I actually got a PM telling me not to be so negative today. Im not trying to be negative but GD if you blind superbowl ticket buying, kool-aid drinkin', offense, offense, offense guys are getting on my nerves.

Im just so sick of hearing HOW SICK our offense is going to be. I have heard it before. As of right now, ONE OFFENSIVE LINEMAN GETS HURT and we're :pooh:

Right now. This may all change in the next few weeks or months but as of right now I am no so blinded by the bling as so many of you are.

Im happy that we're getting who we are going after, but I would like to see others holes patched before luxury picks. Randle El right now looks to be a luxury pick to me and a damn expensive one to boot. I think he has value but at what cost?

I just would have rather seen 1 WR added, Lloyd or Randle El and TWO offensive linemen. :)

Stop trying to make everyone smile and be happy all the time, its not reality - some of us like being miserable. :silly:

Change my name to Grumpy Pain in the Ass if you'd like. :ciao:

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LOL! Sorry for the Bobby McFerrin reference. However, I am beginning to see the beginnings of worrywarts on our site. It happens every year. We make some big time moves for big time money and we begin to be afraid the coaches are not going to address other issues on the team. This year we sign to talented wide receivers and now some people are beginning to wonder if we are going to have enough money to shore up the defensive line. I would like to say that we should not ever worry about not having enough money. As a matter of fact, we should ban the phrase from the forum. We always have enough money to do what we need to do.

We also can rest assured because our team is being run by Coach Gibbs now and we have looked like a team on a mission ever since he returned. He has made all the right moves, whether or not we thought they were right at the time, for the team to succeed. He has helped us return to the playoffs after a long 5 or 6 year drought. We can trust Coach Gibbs to do the right thing. Now i know everyone has the right to worry, complain, cheer, or jeer, but i just want everyone to enjoy the fact that our team actually tries to put a winning product on the field. So enjoy the offseason. Sit back and enjoy the Christams-like feel the Off-season has when you are a Redskin fan. We used to only when in the Off-season, now we are winners....period!



I agree...everyone needs to relax.....Joe Gibbs knows what the hell he is doing.....we need to have an edge over our opponents....and Gibbs is trying to grab the right players(chemistry) ...as well as releasing the right players.....I look at it this way...Coles, Lavar, Gardner, Trotter, Harris, Barrows, Bowen, Ramsy, Bailey ...smoot...and so on... money is now being invested else where for other players who will fit this system who will give us an edge to be a top team. My advice...sit back and drink one of those fruity Daiquiris

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Here I'm officially gonna be an ignore any problems, be ecstatic with signing - guy!

I actually got a PM telling me not to be so negative today. Im not trying to be negative but GD if you blind superbowl ticket buying, kool-aid drinkin', offense, offense, offense guys are getting on my nerves.

Im just so sick of hearing HOW SICK our offense is going to be. I have heard it before. As of right now, ONE OFFENSIVE LINEMAN GETS HURT and we're :pooh:

Right now. This may all change in the next few weeks or months but as of right now I am no so blinded by the bling as so many of you are.

Im happy that we're getting who we are going after, but I would like to see others holes patched before luxury picks. Randle El right now looks to be a luxury pick to me and a damn expensive one to boot. I think he has value but at what cost?

I just would have rather seen 1 WR added, Lloyd or Randle El and TWO offensive linemen. :)

Stop trying to make everyone smile and be happy all the time, its not reality - some of us like being miserable. :silly:

Change my name to Grumpy Pain in the Ass if you'd like. :ciao:

Yea...I see what your saying...trust me on this one....go get yourself one of those fruity Daiquiris ;)

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Dude, get your random or (DEEP THOUGHTS) out in a post/reply. No need for a thread dedicated to it.

My bad man. I did not see the "OM"'s thread about this before i posted mine because i could have put it in there. I did a thread search on the subject but i guess i should have done an Advanced Search. LOL. Chalk this up to it being green about starting threads.


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Here I'm officially gonna be an ignore any problems, be ecstatic with signing - guy!

I actually got a PM telling me not to be so negative today. Im not trying to be negative but GD if you blind superbowl ticket buying, kool-aid drinkin', offense, offense, offense guys are getting on my nerves.

Im just so sick of hearing HOW SICK our offense is going to be. I have heard it before. As of right now, ONE OFFENSIVE LINEMAN GETS HURT and we're :pooh:

Right now. This may all change in the next few weeks or months but as of right now I am no so blinded by the bling as so many of you are.

Im happy that we're getting who we are going after, but I would like to see others holes patched before luxury picks. Randle El right now looks to be a luxury pick to me and a damn expensive one to boot. I think he has value but at what cost?

I just would have rather seen 1 WR added, Lloyd or Randle El and TWO offensive linemen. :)

Stop trying to make everyone smile and be happy all the time, its not reality - some of us like being miserable. :silly:

Change my name to Grumpy Pain in the Ass if you'd like. :ciao:

In response to your sig about "what we are excited about". Randle El is a game changer. We used to have a game changer here until we let him get away. He name was Brian Mitchell. We have not had one until Santana. Randle El makes plays. He helps you convert third downs. He returns punts exceptionally well. He can run the reverse and throw the ball exceptionally well. We were pretty basic down the stretch last year. Now we have another option defenses will have to respect. that respect will help the offense as a whole. If Randle El does what he did for Pittsburgh and catches 15 more passes and 4 more touchdowns, then i think he has earned every penny that we gave him. As long as any of of our free agents produce on the field, i feel they deserve the money they get. We are going to get some players for defense. I am just waiting to see who. Remember, there is no such thing as "cap hell"! LOL!


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