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NFL.com: Collins released by Raiders


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To me seems that sets up Oakland as being the one who is trading for Culpepper(together with Moss again). And with it most likely the Saints are getting Brees, Miami will be without a decent option at QB, and would be an ideal place for Ramsey(hence why the Redskins have made no deal with the jets yet). After all once those 2 go(and Brees already has picked out his place, not Miami according to his agent), Miami will be feeling the heat to get a good QB and might be willing to give up a decent pick.

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It has been reported (I think on NFL.com, not sure though) that Miami is seeking to trade for Ramsey again. We could definitely milk them for a round 3, maybe a round 2. **While this info was already reported and moved on this site, this person has a link (unlike the other poster) and has other speculation and discussion-worthy topics. This also relates to the Redskins. Please avoid the temptation to post otherwise.

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