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Anyone here play chess?


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I used to be completely addicted to the game, studying for over 10 hours a day, and spending a lot of time at chess clubs. I used to go to NIH every wednesday night and play blitz (5 minute games) until 7 in the morning, and sometimes I'd also go to Dupont circle and downtown Baltimore and play. I also used to play tournaments on a regular basis...but, sadly, as I grew older, my time became more limited. But I was becoming decent, with a goal of reaching Master (2200 rating) by the age of 40.

At one point, I had a 1800+ rating - after playing a number of tournaments, I noticed my rating wasn't improving. Apparently the USCF created two ratings for me, and the "other" one took my new points, which was over 200 all told. I would have had a 2000+ Expert rating, but my other rating disappeared and, out of frustration, I quit tournament play. Heh.

If anyone ever wants to play a game, even PBEM, I'd be interested.

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Man, I used to play all the time. My roommate in college and I used to sit on the couch all day every day and just play chess. We probably played over a thousand games, easily. I haven't played much since though. My friends either hated chess or got sick of me whoopin' them. I started playing on Yahoo for a couple months. Got my rating close to 1500 but lost interest because playing online just isn't the same.

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I play off and on. More off now a days with online gaming being my first passion, as far as gaming goes.

I was the best in my high school, not saying much. Even the teachers were weak.

I played my dad a lot, some games lasted more than a day, with about 12 hours playing time per day.(not that I took that long, he actually took an hour per move...it didn't help him.)

I never played any official tournys. About the best I have done was beat the florida state schoolastic champion 6 or 7 times. He also beat me 6 or 7 times.

He was about 1600?? then. I saw him beat this good player (his teacher and father) in speed chess, blindfolded!:kungfu:

Last I checked, he was 1800 and only 13 or 14 years old, playing on the adult chess team that was the south east chess champions.

Chess should be a requirement for all kids.It's good for a :lift: -er brain.

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Anyone remember that movie, "Searching for Bobby Fischer"? I remember, near the end of the movie, the two kids are playing an endgame position in which Josh sacs a piece for a winning position. I sat down one day with a VCR and rewound and played that position over and over again until I had the notation and the moves to actually play that cool combination. Years later, with the advent of the internet, I discovered that I could just download the notation for that particular position.

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Played in high school and college. Rated ELO 2180+ when I decided to focus on my post grad research and just stopped. Haven't played a competitive game or been to a club for twenty years. Chess clubs always used to pretty uncomfortable.

Thinking about playing seriously again though as through ICC (Internet Chess Club) you can play real games without leaving the comfort of your house.

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