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Polls -- How do you feel?

Zen-like Todd

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When have I ever pulled a prank? Mmmm?<br /><br />It's not like I'm just waiting for the perfect moment to launch my Buddha-eclipsing feat of mental manipulation or anything.... <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> <br /><br />In any event, how can someone not like a poll poll? That's downright un-american!<br /> <br /> <small>[ March 20, 2002, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: TheChosenOne ]</small>

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I think for this to be accurate, there needs to be a poll on how we feel in general. I mean, wouldn't want anyone to be to cranky taking a poll. Then a poll on how we all feel on say...Friday!(could be good). Then we need to have a poll on whether we actually believe th Polls. then we need to have a p.....What? Am I rambling?

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Polls are a neccessity. How can you go fishing for catfish or trout without one? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="rolleyes.gif" /> <br /><br />Polls are the way of your voice being heard.<br /><br />And I speak LOUD, carry a bigger stick.... And I use it too.<br /><br />Yosemite Sam

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