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I got a complement from a Seahawk Fan today


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I was at the gym today and I was headed in I had on a Nationals Sweat Shirt. Some guy yells at me “I say you in you Redskins Gear” I turn around and first thing is more razzing from the playoff game. He told me that he was tailgating right next the Redskin Tailgate and saw me with my gear on. I kind of stick out being there are not to many 6"3’ half Asian half Americans. He said he was impressed with the turn out of Redskin fans at the stadium being that Seattle was so far from Washington D.C. and that we have tuff team. I told him the Redskin Fans travel pretty well, thanked him and wished him good luck in the Super Bowl.

It was nice to hear after all the cr@p Redskin Fans got an Qwest Field.

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I've been surprised at all the reports of probs w/ 'hwak fans and also surprised at the intesnity level of the fans out here after twenty years olf knowing them...it's been quite the step up. I guess they really did come to believe and the fervor hit.

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I used to live in the Seattle area, and the fans are fickle, like the Atlanta fans. When the team is good, they get roudy, and, when they lose, they go to Starbuck's.....

Exctly, two seasons ago they could not even sell out Qwest Field and now it is the hottest ticket in town. I was at the very first regular season game at the new stadium it did not even sell out. It is the same thing with the Mariners in this town, there was not a big following until the 1995 Season.

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I live here and I know Seahawk fans are not real fans. In fact they still have not sold out their portion of the Super Bowl tickets. You can go to their website and but tickets for the game. :doh:

Thank God my mom raised me to be a Redskin fan even though we have lived here the majority of our lives. :D

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I live here and I know Seahawk fans are not real fans. In fact they still have not sold out their portion of the Super Bowl tickets. You can go to their website and but tickets for the game. :doh:

Thank God my mom raised me to be a Redskin fan even though we have lived here the majority of our lives. :D

The 1st time in there history they make it to the show......and they don't sell out of there tickets.


They don't deserve a team.

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I live here and I know Seahawk fans are not real fans. In fact they still have not sold out their portion of the Super Bowl tickets. You can go to their website and but tickets for the game.

I know what you mean gimpy, one of my co worker's brother has Seahawk Season Tickets. She told me that he won in the season ticket holder’s lottery to get Super Bowl Tickets and if I knew if anyone was interested in buying them from him.

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