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A Message From A Fellow Skins Fan


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To all of you who are die hard skins fans and those responsible for this message board, I wanna say thank you.

I have been a die hard skins fans since I was 6 and every year since then my knowledge and excitement about the skins has evolved into this maniac alter ego that bleeds B&G till death. While I am huge and knowledgable fan of all sports nothing is as close to my heart as the skins. I have always found it difficult to engage in spirited, intelligent, and yes sometimes crazy discussions about the past, present and future of my beloved skins with my peers because they are not as fanatic as I.

This is where you all come in.

While I am new to this message board (don' ask why, I think I was frozen for a while) there is nothing new about my knowledge, love, and respect for my skins. I wanna let you all know that I enjoy reading, reacting, and responding to the many topics that are left for discussion from you all. I have found a home away from home where I can rant and rave about the B&G with others who share the same type of passion and intensity for the skins that I have. Thank You.

REDSKINS 4 LIFE!!! :helmet:

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