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Flaws in Wilbon's latest Article- WP


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Again Gibbs uses the pre-snap shifting, scaled back lately... and Gonzalez is a H-Back... used like Cooley

Yeah, I remember reading that Gibbs wanted to incorporate a lot of pre-snap motion into his plays, but found it difficult to get the snap off in time, especially with the shortened play clock of the current era. If there's one thing though that Saunders was able to do in KC, it was to get the offense to the LOS with enough time to incorporate motion into almost every play. It wouldn't surprise me if Gibbs had brought in Saunders primarily because Saunders is so good at it and Gibbs hadn't been.

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Bubba you beat me to it. Wilbon is the master of twisting thing to fit his column and opinion.

KC's system under Saunders was the Gibbs' (Coryell) systems, especially Gibbs previous implementation of the system.

This staff would be very familiar with what Saunders will try to implement. The players should be able to adapt quickly as the verbiage should be similar as well. The key difference between their implementations today is Saunders uses more misdirection, passes to the RBs (remember Joe Washington), and he takes more shot deep early in the game. Of course there are other differences that make his current implementation more effective than Washington's, which I'm sure they plan to take full advantage of next season.

The suggestion that Saunders would need to bring in his own staff is almost insulting to the knowledgeable men already in place. For crying out loud, these guys have been swimming in this system for how many decades now?

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I think what Wilbon is saying, is that hiring Saunders is a brilliant move, but if there is a concern, it's that it may take a while for the personnel to adjust to Saunders' version of this offense.

There are a lot of nuances that the quarterbacks and receivers will have to learn. They will have to know how to adjust the play based on the defense, and all be on the same page. We may see a lot of balls thrown to an empty spot for the first few weeks.

That's what I got from it, and I think it's a very valid point.

...and that all being said, I am totally geeked for next year!

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i think cooley could have been mvp completely based on the fact he shattered all h-back records and had the most non receiver catches and tds ever. cooley is the god of h-backs, we need to lock him up forever.

I like Cooley a lot, but he needs to cut out the fumbling....he was really having problems late in the season. :doh:

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