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Whats the deal with Philly hat grabbing


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Was at the game minding my own business with only a Skins hat on, not drinking, not standing up signaling first downs or rubbing it into Eagles fans although they deserved it. Well I came up the isle with 2 dogs and a coke and sat down. As soon as I sat down some clown grabbed my hat and took off down the isle waving it in the air to cheers. Well little did he know my brother-in-law, who I had some choice words for afterwards, was about 30 feet down the isle from me still walking up and saw the clown do this. As the guy got to my brother-in-law, my brother-in-law lowered his shoulder and gave him a stout bump, which caused the clown to go flying since he wasnt expecting it. Needless to say it was a mess afterward for about 30 seconds until the security got there. I ended up with a bent pair of glasses....so yea really worth having to take off work and pay to get my glasses fixed. The NFL needs to ASSIST the Eagles in correcting the attitude at that place. I am not some stupid kid, I just want to go and enjoy a game!

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Yeah, those Philly fans sure do seem to want Redskin hats.

Don't they know they can go BUY them?

Maybe we can sell those hats to them via Craigslist or Ebay like the way the Iggles fans selling tickets for last night's game to the Skins fans. :laugh:

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Nice job by your brother in law, but instead of raming him, he should of punched him in his face.

But at fedex, I saw this one a$$ take this ladies cowboys hat and run down the stairs, she was ready to kick him in his balls, and was about to push him downt he stairs, so were not all perfect...

Also, at the giants game, people were throwing around the stands near me a giants hat. Dont know if they stole it from someone or a giants fan said, wth take we suck type thing.. But it came down from the club level.

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We rolled into lot D in Philly yesterday. Thanks to Sherman for getting us in the right spot. We initially parked about 100 yards from the main ES area because the bus was too big. People spit on the bus before we got out. I got out and walked around the back to find a guy ripping the Skins flag off the back of the bus. A few guys approached us flipping us off and telling us we better have spare tires.


We moved the bus to another spot closer to the other Skins fans, basically parked along what we were calling "Redskins row". From that point on we had a great tailgate. Trips to the bathroom included getting beer thrown at us but there were also some nice Philly fans that were angry at the display from some of their own.

We sat in groups in the lower level and cheered while wearing our colors. I have to say, I usually wear a hat but purposefully didn't yesterday to avoid having it knocked off or taken. The same reason I tell my 1st grader not to wear his hat on the school bus. (sad comparison huh?)

I witnessed people yelling and hoping for injuries to players, etc. Regular group chants of "a-hole" for the crowd, etc.

I compared going to Philly with having street smarts. Knowing how to avoid the bait to get into fights and making yourself less vulnerable to being physically assualted.

To 90% of the Philly fans I say, "thanks and better luck next year". To the other 10% I say, "FU. Have fun staring at the empty Superbowl Trophy case and bite me."

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If you were a Philly fan, and your team sucked (like they do), you'd want the hat of a winning team too! lol!

You should have told them they are available at redskins.com/shop!

Just goes to show how PATHETIC Philly AND their fans are.

Makes me hate Dallas a little less.



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The eagle fans are the worst. They are a bunch of bums--I should know, I was at a Redskin - eagle game at veterens stadium in '87 and I got threaten with bodily harm-I wasn't worry about myself knowing I could of handle acouple of girly boys but those clowns also threaten my wife. Philadelphia doesn't deserve a football team. They are sore losers, neanderthals, creeps, bums, and just plain ugly. I'm glad they are in the situation they're in--Justice with a capital J. Eagle fans--Kiss my A**!!!!!!

Hail Redskins--Hail Yes!!

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