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I can't take WTEM 980..


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I started listening about a half hour ago..The biggest news in DC sports is the Redskins, and with the Rosenfels and Stai trade you would think there would be lots of talk and calls about that..But, what do I hear? Talk about Shaq's toe-injury and how scared he is to have surgery and talk about the Mystics...Please..NBA basketball is long since over, and no one cares about the WNBA..Uggh!!!!

I'm sure we'll be in a playoff drive in December..but I'm sure 980 will still be talking NBA/WNBA crap.

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What is the freaking deal with that show? Who listens to it? That is the problem. You all need to go out and hunt down any fool listening and smash their radios.

Then someone with half a brain will buy out the show and actually make it interesting.

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This station has really changed over the years. I just got the streaming version and was disappointed, for the reasons mentioned above. It used to be Redskins, Redskins, Redskins and then maybe something else. It's not like there are any other teams in town worth talking about.

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I have almost become desensitized to the crap they talk about on that station. It really is ridiculous, though. If I were to turn it on one day and they were talking about water polo or fencing it wouldn't shock me. It could be Dallas week and they'd be talking about who the Mystics will select in the upcoming draft.

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They only do "Redskins at 6" during the season. I think they talk about other sports because they don't want to be accused of being a Redskins-only station. I don't think the station realizes yet how worked up the town is getting over Spurrier. Doc Walker is the only one who seems to recognize that the Skins are *the* sports story in Washington DC, and everything else is secondary.

I always remember Glenn Brenner telling how he learned about sports news broadcasting in DC. A fan came up to him after he first arrived, and he was told, "Listen pal, if you want to succeed in Washington, the top story is *always* the Redskins. If George Allen breaks wind, we wanna hear about it!"

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What do you all have against the other sports franchises in the District. I love the Redskins as much as anyone but there is other sports.

I don't particularly care about Shaq's toe but the Mystics are batteling for a championship something the Redskins have not done in a while.

I was dissappointed to read what some of you had to say about WTEM. They talk about a variety of topics and are not locked into one topic even if that topic is Redskins football.

The talk will pick up about the Skins as we get closer to the start of the season but let's give a little coverage to teams that are, at least, playing for a championship (Freedom and Mystics).

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It's not the talk about the other local teams that bothers me so much. It's when they spend an entire segment breaking down a minor trade the L.A. Clippers pulled off that it really becomes excruciating. Sometimes I just listen to hear what kind of bulls**t they're going to talk about next. I'm a big Caps fan, but listening to that station you'd think the Caps play in Egypt. If they gave half the time they spend on bogus NBA stories like Shaq's big toe and the L.A. Clippers to covering the Caps, I'd be happy.

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