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You guys do realize that all of Moss' catches this year were on long routes. It's not like he "earns" any of his yards. He did have a nice broken tackle in the 3Q today to score, but it was still open field after that.


How many screens has Moss converted?

User name has it pegged... :D

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You guys do realize that all of Moss' catches this year were on long routes. It's not like he "earns" any of his yards. He did have a nice broken tackle in the 3Q today to score, but it was still open field after that.


How many screens has Moss converted?

User name has it pegged... :D

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It's hilarious reading these guys trying to justify that trade. They are saying Coles is better can you believe that. In a way I feel sorry for them if I was a jets fan and saw some of the plays moss has made this year I would absolutely be sick.

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Joe Gibbs has taught Santana how to play physically and how to play tough. That is what he lacked in NY.

That is what the Jets fans do not see. They think they are looking at the same Santana. They aren't.

They're looking at a new player... a player who has been coached to work on the weaknesses in his game. Moss alluded to it on NFL total Access the other night...straight from his own mouth.

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Joe Gibbs has taught Santana how to play physically and how to play tough. That is what he lacked in NY.

That is what the Jets fans do not see. They think they are looking at the same Santana. They aren't.

They're looking at a new player... a player who has been coached to work on the weaknesses in his game. Moss alluded to it on NFL total Access the other night...straight from his own mouth.

Yep...I saw that interview on NFL Total Access the other night. Santana said that he doesn't run out of bounds on this team because Gibbs has instilled that tough mentality in every one of the players. And it definitely seems like he fights for every extra yard possible. He's an amazing player.

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they say coles is better because he goes over the middle and is "tougher". Well coles can go over the middle and get killed all day while Moss is catching bombs for TD's.

Y cant they realize Moss is healthy result explosiveness and playmaking ability

Moss going over the middle like Coles= Injury "Human Tackling Bag" Why would we want our playmaker to be injured, if thats the "jets" mentality i guess thats y their stars are injured and there Team sucks.

They say the man has no heart but on most of CPs TD runs he's sacrifising his body to block.

Like the man said he's getting the oppurtunity and he's playing for a team and fan base that appreciates him

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They are dawging moss in these post much like some skins fan dawg LA, goes to show you how a player can have a down year and come back and have a probowl season.

But the comments on this thread are similar to the comments about LA on our site?

moral of the post: Whoevers wearing the B&G we must show them some type of support.

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I was curious about their reaction as well and i took a look earlier today. It's pretty funny but they've still managed to come up with some sort of rationale for the trade.

Their basic argument consists of the following:

-If we still had moss we wouldn't be using him right so he wouldn't be doing this well

-Coles is the type of "tough over the middle receiver" that we need, we don't have a use for players that get open deep - because we never throw deep

Well, thats great logic, you got any other good players that you don't need?

On a more positive note for the jets however, they are in the running for a top 2 pick. Whether they end up with leinart or bush, they really can't go wrong. They'll have some talent on that team soon enough.

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