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Tonights pregame and more comments on SOS

Mad Mike

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Funnier Still...

The Chargers get a third and one in the red zone and Marty calls for the ol gutsy QB sneak... and it FAILS.:laugh:

Fourth and 1 Marty gets more nads and calls an off tackle run to the right. AND IT FAILS!:rotflmao:

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The messed up thing is that the media will play this thing out (SOS as the bad boy) and trump up every comment he makes. So while they are all ****ing and moaning about him what they are really doing is making their broadcast more interesting and talking about what is on everyones mind. If SOS fails they will be there with the "I never liked this guy" and the "I told you so." If he is sucessful they will be all over his jock like a 2 dollar whore.

What a fickle bunch. Only Madden to date has the guts to admit he likes SOS and thinks he will be successful.

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Last night Beano (isn't that the stuff you buy to keep you from farting?) Cook defended SOS on ESPN against Sean Salsbury (isn't that a kind of steak that makes you fart?). Beano was very animated. His head ACTUALLY moved. (thus disproving the theory that he died in 1999 and his voice has been piped in ever since.)


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