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ESPN Insider: Sport Nations tidbits


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Chris (DC): Gary, Who do you like this week in the Skins/Giants game? I think I know your answer so as a follow up, what will the key for the Redskins be if they are going to find a way to become victorious? Thanks Happy Holidays

Gary Horton: Well, since you've already guessed my answer, I kinda like the Skins in this game. I think their defense can frustrate Eli with their blitz package and I think they can force him into a few big mistakes. I really like the Giants, but the Skins look like a team that's a little bit hot right now. They are on a roll.


Mat (Scottsdale, AZ): If you think Eli is going to show up and play well on Saturday I advise you to stop drinking egg nog now.

Gary Horton: First, I don't drink egg nog. And watching Eli over the last few weeks, as talented as he is, he scares me a little. His passes are sailing, he's starting to throw off the back foot and he's not really seeing the entire field. I think he'll be an excellent QB in this league, but if I was a Giants fan right now, I'd worry about him making a key turnover in a game like this one.

Gary Horton: It's a long season, and he may just be tired, but he's not quite the same guy as he was earlier in the year.

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I think Oakland has a good chance I mean

A) its in Oakland and they have insane fans

B) Giants have to fly across country (they suck on the road)

C) Giants will be tired and worn after we're through with them plus they might lock up a playoff spot this week if a few people lose

on the other hand it is oakland and the giants do want to win the east

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