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C'mon folks, order the shirts!!


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Nah, Shony, anyone stupid enough to think that ... I don't care what they think. :)

Awgustlab, no need to apologize to me. I just want to see this thing work. I hope everyone who spends a little time here supports the site and the admins who have bestowed it upon us. :)

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Thanks for rallying to troops for us, Brave. Gracias

To everyone out there who has stepped up to help us (and get some great shirts), I offer my sincere gratitude.

But, we are only half-way there towards covering the expenses of the shirts... we need another 30-40 donations to completely cover the cost of this endeavor.

For all the Canadian members:

Shipping will be $2 U.S. over the listed price. I will post a Paypal link that you can use to add to your shopping cart to make it easier.

For international members:

Most likely, I will just FedEx them to you, which should only cost an extra $12 U.S. But there may be cheaper prices depending on your location. Please email me at webmaster@extremeskins.com so I can work out the details with you.

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