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This is for Mark Brunell!!!


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I don't know if or how often the actual team comes to these forums to see what the fans are saying, but just in case they do, I want to say this to Mark Brunell...I know you have the skills and talent to take us past the cowpies once again. I also know that you have the skills and leadership to bring the skins into the playoffs...The Skin fans are behind you...Kick ass Mark Brunell:dallasuck

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I don't know if or how often the actual team comes to these forums to see what the fans are saying, but just in case they do, I want to say this to Mark Brunell...I know you have the skills and talent to take us past the cowpies once again. I also know that you have the skills and leadership to bring the skins into the playoffs...The Skin fans are behind you...Kick ass Mark Brunell:dallasuck

Don't worry about Brunell's approval polls. You can't please all the people all the time- fact of life.

But what is important is getting behind the TEAM right now! We're gonna win this game as a group and FINALLY, FINALLY get the respect that was coming to us since the day JJG re-signed on to this franchise.

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"Man, I can't stand people badmouthing the O-rings on the Space shuttle's booster rockets! Don't they know they're doing their best! Ignore the critics and haters! GO SPACE SHUTTLE CHALLENGER!"

The O Rings failed during launch.

Brunell and his team are playing for the post-season.

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"Man, I can't stand people badmouthing the O-rings on the Space shuttle's booster rockets! Don't they know they're doing their best! Ignore the critics and haters! GO SPACE SHUTTLE CHALLENGER!"

Can you think of anything original.

I might even start to respect you if at least you started to quote yourself. From your signatures to your posts, copyright fraud.

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haha well marky mark and the rest of the bunch probably never come on the site, but i agree. I'm sick of everyone bashing brunell again, and im behind him. i feel confident that he'll lead us in a victory over dallas and then into the playoffs

This man definitely has the skills, they just need to make this shat happen. ALL HAIL THE REDSKINS...:notworthy

Just to let you know I am not very good at this posting,(like quotes) but I will figure it out.

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Can you think of anything original.

I might even start to respect you if at least you started to quote yourself. From your signatures to your posts, copyright fraud.

Why would I care to earn your respect? You clearly have none for others.

By the way, my post in this thread was original. Not sure what in the hell you're talking about. I suppose it's possible someone else came up with something similar independently, that happens all the time.

And the signature is for people who've seen the movie (it makes little sense as an ad hoc attempt at comedy, it's a reference, DUH)

I won't stoop to your level of overt personal insults. Let the moderators handle that. That is, when you're not insulting them.

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The O Rings failed during launch.

Brunell and his team are playing for the post-season.

The idea is that people are diagnosing a potentially disastrous problem (just as there WERE questions about the O-rings) and there were others who pooh-poohed the analysis and proceeded with the mission.

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"Man, I can't stand people badmouthing the O-rings on the Space shuttle's booster rockets! Don't they know they're doing their best! Ignore the critics and haters! GO SPACE SHUTTLE CHALLENGER!"

I might disagree, but this was one the wittiest posts i've seen in a long time. Great stuff. Those O-rings really f-d that Challenger. I know you're a fan so you'll be rootin for the O-rings on sunday. Love the wit.

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I might disagree, but this was one the wittiest posts i've seen in a long time. Great stuff. Those O-rings really f-d that Challenger. I know you're a fan so you'll be rootin for the O-rings on sunday. Love the wit.

Thanks. Apparently, even though I came up with that off the top of my head, the Beneficent and Perspicacious One has deemed it a fraud (and all my posts?)

I am shamed. :laugh:

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hey, this is clinton portis. Mark told me about this thread and he said i could log on as him to write you a message. Thanks for the support... i'll be at the post superbowl party too...

oh, and to prove its me Clinton Portis, watch my interview on Thursday. I'm gonna wear a silly costume to prove that I wrote this. So, if you see me wearing something ridiculous, you know that this is really me.

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The idea is that people are diagnosing a potentially disastrous problem (just as there WERE questions about the O-rings) and there were others who pooh-poohed the analysis and proceeded with the mission.

The analogy fails because the 'disastrous problem' of Mark Brunells play has been misrepresented as immediately and insurmountably fatal, when in fact it's something that is being grossly exaggerated by chicken-little syndrome

One of the leagues top INT/TD ratio until one horrible game isn't the worlds worst quarterbacking as much as it's... one bad game.

Mark Brunell did better than anyone expected this season, so leave it to the Skins Nation to turn on him the night before the biggest battle ~

I'm a new poster here but what I've seen makes me think maybe sticking around isn't such a good idea, if this is how the general opinion can shift based on one game and one thread. Everyones entitled to their opinion though, so my opinion is that it's unbelievable and pathetic.

I don't know if the Skins will beat Dallas or if Mark Brunell is done but he's earned the benefit of the doubt from me, even if he loses horribly I would shake his hand and thank him for being a fighter all season -- every timely scramble and every drive from behind and all that rot. He's been a soldier and the fighting isn't over yet.

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I'm a new poster here but what I've seen makes me think maybe sticking around isn't such a good idea, if this is how the general opinion can shift based on one game and one thread. Everyones entitled to their opinion though, so my opinion is that it's unbelievable and pathetic.

You think it's one game and one thread.

And you have the nerve to call others' opinions pathetic?

You're new so some of that can be excused; not knowing the 'narrative' of the board, I mean.

But honestly, you think it was one game? :doh:

(and by the way, some call it humor. That you took that post as some kind of serious reflection of opinion rather than as a mockery, well...)

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