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Code, uh oh. You done it now. I just got a mental image of Blondie ripping her hair out and screaming at her computer.:laugh:

Sorry Blondie, nothing personal.:halo: I love all my Redskin brothers and sisters. :cheers:

Sorry dude, I can't bring myself to vote on this one... MUST, HAVE, THEM ALL!!!

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This entire Visor thing bothers me. Where I come from, men don't wear viisors. Chicks playin tennis, or trophy girls at the track. Little girls at the beach, or ladies on the back nine. Golden retrievers named Zoie, Q-Tips at the pool, tranies named CoCo, but men with visors on just don't fly in my book. Get the Ball coach a Ball Cap for cryin out loud. :doh: :doh:

There............... I said it.............I feel much better now :D


:high: :high:

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Originally posted by Mad Mike

Code, uh oh. You done it now. I just got a mental image of Blondie ripping her hair out and screaming at her computer.:laugh:

Sorry Blondie, nothing personal.:halo: I love all my Redskin brothers and sisters. :cheers:

Sorry dude, I can't bring myself to vote on this one... MUST, HAVE, THEM ALL!!!

It's the devil, he made me do it.

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