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would people be complaining if we had a better record?


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After suffering three heart-breaking loses in a row, i've found myself questioning our coaching staff and things such as conservative playcalling, inconsistent O-line play, need for a number 2 receiver and lack of a killer instinct to finish games. I think i can be safe to say that many people share my same opinions. Here's my question: If we had won some of the close games that we should have easily won, do you think we would be criticizing the team for the same things we are criticizing them for now? We have had these problems all season no doubt, but i think if we had got some bounces our way this season then nobody would be talking about it. What do you guys think?

**** DALLAS!! :logo:

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You can just as easiy turn it around and say what if we had lost the close games we won? What if the Bears put togther enough of a drive to kick one field goal? What if the Cowboys played better covearge on one of those two TDs? What if the Seahawks kicker didn't miss that FG after Brunell threw them an INT within sight of the goal posts?

It would have been earlier, and it would have been worse. Bill Parcells had a good statement a while back: "You are what your record says you are".

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Even if the coaches did nothing different, we should have won all 3 games. For instance, if the refs get the 2-point call right against Tampa and Rabach doesn't hold against SD. There's such a thin line between success and failure. We could easily be sitting at 8-3 and then you'd hear (almost) nothing but love for this team and coaching staff. Sure we'd be tired of close, tense games and we'd discuss turnovers and play calling but buttom line is we'd be fat and happy.

The problem is they didn't win those games. And when blowing winnable games becomes a habit, I think it's fair to be somewhat critical of coaching. It's the same standard we held Norv Turner to. But we need to also take a step back and look at the big picture. Unless the Redskins totally mail it in (which I don't think a Joe Gibbs team would) this season will be an improvement on the last, and last season was a (slight) improvement on the season before. If we win 3 of last 5 and sweep the Cowboys I'll have to consider this a success.

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After watching this Board for two seasons, I'm pretty sure that irrespective of what our record was, even if it were 16-0, people would find something to criticize. :)


You beat me to it.

Brunell throws two perfect passes to beat the Cowboys in Dallas...people complain.

The Redskins beat an NFC favorite to start 3-0...people complain.

Gibbs is our head coach again...people complain.

It's inevitable. Enjoy the ride, we get 16 games (a couple extras every 15 seasons) and then it's that dreaded off-season again where all we can do is speculate about things.


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