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Last Years Defense....(question)


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Why is it that last years Greg Williams led D was able to get crazy pressure on the QB from the secondary and LB's, yet this year we can't get anyone close? I have vivid memories of multiple jailbreaks last season. Springs off the edge, Washington through the line, Bowen on the safety blitz, etc.

What's different from last years scheme that isn't getting us anywhere near the QB?

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Why is it that last years Greg Williams led D was able to get crazy pressure on the QB from the secondary and LB's, yet this year we can't get anyone close? I have vivid memories of multiple jailbreaks last season. Springs off the edge, Washington through the line, Bowen on the safety blitz, etc.

What's different from last years scheme that isn't getting us anywhere near the QB?

two fold -- 1) Offensive coordinators have caught up with Willams' schemes and have also guessed right (obviously due to extensive time watching film) as to when, and from where, blitzes are coming. 2) Often, it seems people are coming in on a "read-blitz" assignment and not full-bore. It seems blitzing LBs and safeties are sometimes pulling up a little at the line - trying to read the play as opposed to just focusing on getting in the backfield. I can't help but think this is a result of a lack of confidence in our secondary (due to the absence of Freddy Smoot and injuries sustained throughout the yr) Our blitzers often just dont look comfortable with the prospect of selling-out and flying full-blast into the line of scrimmage - a lot of chicken fighting with O-linemen and pass blocking backs while we look around to see where the play is going. This - of course - is deadly to a defense bc your blitzer becomes useless. He is too close to the line of scrimmage to help in pass coverage - yet he is not in the backfield disrupting the play. He gets caught in no-mans land and might as well be sitting in the stands. :2cents:

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uhhhh we aren't blitzing this year, plain and simple.

Are you serious? Look at the TB film and notice how many times we rush anywhere from 5 - 7 people without getting close to Simms. This, of course, left overmatched (Harris) and underachieving (Rogers) corners hung out to dry -- and you saw what happened. Against the Raiders we played a lot softer in our schemes, but that has not been the case all yr:dallasuck

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