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Did the Bush Administration mislead America on the "Imminent Threat" of Hussein?


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And by misinformation, you meant the misinformation coming from me. So I said that FOX News is fair and balanced. Do you want to know why you and all the other Democrats out there like to say it's not? Because it is one of the only station where they actually show both sides. They show what good and bad is going on in Iraq. Instead of bashing President Bush with every chance they get for every little thing they can find, they report what really matters, what our troops are facing, and the truth. You want to talk about propaganda? The liberal media and the people that buy into every word is full of propaganda against Bush and the Republican Party.

It is a known fact that people like to buy into what they think is the majority so that they fit in and feel strong in their opinions. Well every time you turn on the all you see is Bush bashing. So natuarly, many people who do not do the research or watch a balanced station like FOX News is going to believe everything and support mostly everything they hear. The liberal media actually blamed everything that went wrong during Hurricane Katrina on Bush!! He called the mayor of New Orleans, 2 days before the Hurricane hit and told him to evacuate but did he? No. And that is all on Bush. It's rare that you hear that on the news but I heard it on FOX News and it is a fact.

Misinformation is the propaganda against Bush coming out of the liberal stations everyday. It's sad to think that our country, based on rights, justice, and liberty, has become so corrupt by liberals putting out false and twisted information about our President just to gain office again.

What links are you talking about? All I posted was quotes, which I backed up with research to confirm that they were true. I never even gave a link.

All your quotes showed me was that the Bush administration is trying to help the viewers whose views are corrupted by the liberal media, that there was in fact a threat.

There was a threat, a big one. It's obvious that Iraq was harboring terrorists and we have caught many leading terrorists from Iraq as well as other parts of the Middle East. They are trying to stop us, right now, in Iraq because of the danger a democracy in Iraq would bring to their terrorist organizations.

There was no imminent threat? Do you know how many times this country has caught terrrorists in this country from Iraq, supported by Saddam Hussein, and other Middle Eastern countries, trying to kill off as many Americans as possible. There have been some on trains, subways, and cities and we stopped them. That's the threat we are dealing with and that's the threat we lowered when we went into Iraq.

WOW!!! Do you really believe this???

There was no imminent threat? Do you know how many times this country has caught terrrorists in this country from Iraq, supported by Saddam Hussein, and other Middle Eastern countries, trying to kill off as many Americans as possible. There have been some on trains, subways, and cities and we stopped them. That's the threat we are dealing with and that's the threat we lowered when we went into Iraq.

Show me EXACTLY the terrorists that we have caught "on trains, subways, and cities and we stopped them." I want proof, because McClllelan had to REDACT his claim when he stated the same BS.

You are a perfect example of what is wrong with Fox News, and the right wing noise machine, you actually BELIEVE everything you see on that channel and hear on hate radio like Limbaugh and Savage. You probably think Clomes is a "liberal" and that O'Reily is really just "eliminating the spin". right???

I bet you still think there were WMDs too huh :doh:

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Chom this will officially go down as your dumbest, most partisan post ever. It shows how politically biased you are. Sad thing is you are so biased you can't even get it. It's like Jessica Simpson thinking Buffalo Wings are from a Buffalo. She is to airheaded to understand.

Do you care to back up any of your claims? Why do you think Joe Biden voted for the Credit Card Banckruptcy act? Do you think it is because he's from Deleware where there are a lot od credit card companies who employ a bunch of Deleware residents? Yes, it is beacause of his consituents. How about Liebermann and his hawkishness? Do you think it has anything to do with the fact that a good chunk of his voters are employeed by military complex companies? Seriously, if you are saying that something I say is wrong, then PROVE IT!!!!

Show me where dems are ideologs. Show me where they only toe the party line, because they don't and that WAS their problem. Things are different now though, and they are starting to fight as one. . . You just fail to see it, but your blindness in not my problem, it is your own.

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Here is what you essentially said.

All Democrats do the right thing.

All Republicans toe the party line, no matter how wrong it is.

Where did I misconstrue?

He did sorta say that, and that is a gross oversimplification. There are some principled Republicans, and there are some Democratic ideologues.

But sometimes gross simplifications are necessary to prove a point. His point has been made, and for the most part he is right.

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He did sorta say that, and that is a gross oversimplification. There are some principled Republicans, and there are some Democratic ideologues.

But sometimes gross simplifications are necessary to prove a point. His point has been made, and for the most part he is right.

Link? Stats?

His point and your are essentially biased.

If you had some sort of real analysis that show any such indication please show me.

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Link? Stats?

His point and your are essentially biased.

If you had some sort of real analysis that show any such indication please show me.

There are no stats that can prove a person is an idealogue, or that one party has more idealogues than another.

Through unbiased observation, though, conclusions can be reached.

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Generally speaking the dems toe the party line.

Generally speaking the GOP toes the party line.

In cases on both sides the take the other side.

In general dems want to control all facets of govt.

In general the GOP wants to control all facets of govt.

When a major issue comes about they band together.

The post chom made was laughable.

Buffalo wings anyone?

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Here is what you essentially said.

All Democrats do the right thing.

No, I said all democrats vote their consitituency. There is a big difference between doing the "right thing" and voting their constituents. . . unless your definition of doing the "right thing" means "voting their constituents".

If you are implying that that is the what you stated, that they do the right thing, then I will agree. Not every single time, but for the vast majority of cases.

All Republicans toe the party line, no matter how wrong it is.

You added the "no matter how wrong it is" quote not me. . . but I could pull out a few votes which back up my point as well.

But yes, my point was that Republicans had a clear single voice, based on ideology, and democrats voted for their constituency, but that is changing now.

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The post chom made was laughable.

Then prove it with links not rhetoric. You asked for proof why I thought the way I did, and I gave you two votes where leaders in the democratic senate broke party line to vote their constituency. It backed up my belief. If you are going to continuously try to flame me, then at least bring something to the table instead of idle words.

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Then prove it with links not rhetoric. You asked for proof why I thought the way I did, and I gave you two votes where leaders in the democratic senate broke party line to vote their constituency. It backed up my belief. If you are going to continuously try to flame me, then at least bring something to the table instead of idle words.

2 votes hardly would make me give a statement like you made.

I will agree the democrats are doing better. They have to. The next presidency in their favor is dependant upon it. But to compare the Iraq stuff to watergate is where you lose me. Your arguments about Iraq remind me of the arguments about whitewater. It's all political bs at this point just to advance the dems agenda to gain the presidency in the next election. You are so intoxicated with the media stuff you cannot understand that.

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I think the wild expenditures coming out of this Republican COngress pretty much proves that they too vote for their constituents. On principle Republicans are for a smaller government, but they too pander to the voters in tehir district to stay in power.

That said, I'm not so sure why Chom thinks this is a good thing?

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WOW!!! Do you really believe this???

Show me EXACTLY the terrorists that we have caught "on trains, subways, and cities and we stopped them." I want proof, because McClllelan had to REDACT his claim when he stated the same BS.

You are a perfect example of what is wrong with Fox News, and the right wing noise machine, you actually BELIEVE everything you see on that channel and hear on hate radio like Limbaugh and Savage. You probably think Clomes is a "liberal" and that O'Reily is really just "eliminating the spin". right???

I bet you still think there were WMDs too huh :doh:

Do you know what my biggest problem with liberals like you are? You are all close-minded and read only what you want to read. Of course I believe what I wrote. If you could just open your eyes and look at the corruption with the media! You are just like the people I mentioned who don't broaden their research or the stations they watch. You watch what everybody else watches and form your opinions on what the liberal press is writing.

I'm not the only one who thought that there were really WMDs. Ask your friend Bill Clinton, John Kerry, or Hillary Clinton. They all believed it too. And no, I think it is more likely that Iraq does not have WMDs right now but I am sure they used to have them and that Saddam Hussein got rid of them before the U.S. went to war with Iraq. Iraq is a big country, Saddam could have and could still have WMDs hidden and we could have just not found them. What we are really facing now is trying to staighten up that part of the world. As you know it is one of the most corrupt places on this planet.

What I think is funny is that when the fighting toned down in Israel and Palestine most of the Democrats and liberals (which I'm sure you will deny) said that they would have gone into Iraq but they would have done it differently. Once more attacks resumed in Iraq they changed their mind.

Democrat Officials and government leaders choose their words and beliefs on what they think is popular at the time. In my opinion many of them don't have true beliefs about anything. The only thing they believe in right now is power. And yes I believe that too. I don't think that the people who follow the Democrat party are all like that but I believe that they fall into the liberal media trap. The sad thing is that it's working and as long as liberals continue to dominate the media, naive people are going to believe everything they say.

I don't believe everything I hear anywhere but I trust FOX News way more than I would ever trust the stations you watch.

You are a perfect example of what is wrong with Fox News, and the right wing noise machine, you actually BELIEVE everything you see on that channel and hear on hate radio like Limbaugh and Savage. You probably think Clomes is a "liberal" and that O'Reily is really just "eliminating the spin". right???

There is no problem with FOX News. The problem is with most of the other news stations and YOU BELEIVE everything you hear on there because AGAIN the media is LIBERAL DOMINATED.

Show me EXACTLY the terrorists that we have caught "on trains, subways, and cities and we stopped them." I want proof, because McClllelan had to REDACT his claim when he stated the same BS.

Also very typical of liberals. If something challenges you, you assume it's wrong and ask for proof and if you don't have it in writing from the source itself, you will say it's wrong. I was watching my LOCAL news the other day and I heard that since the events of 9/11 America had stopped many terrorists who were in America and stopped them just in time before they made their attack. I have also heard references to this on FOX News, CNN, and MSNBC. I, unlike most liberals, am open-minded and try to see all sides. So when I say something I believe it and I have legitimate reasons to believe it.

This reminds me of how, yesterday, I brought the same quotes I posted on here (which I researched to make sure each person said them) into one of my mainly liberal classes at school. I gave one copy to my teacher and another copy to this group of Democrats. Some were actually willing to read what I showed them and said that they believed Bush did not mislead America into going into Iraq.

However, a couple girls at the table would not hear it. They refused to read the paper and one girl said, "I don't want to read that paper because I have my beliefs and no matter what your piece of paper says, I am sticking to them."

I have asked her many times where she gets her information from and why she will not open her mind to other ideas. She said that she watches the news when it is on and that she has never watched FOX News and you can tell she does not research what she believes in. That is the problem, she will believe in what she hears as most liberals do.

What's terrible about this is that she, like many people at my school, actually take what people like Kanye West when he said that "George Bush Hates Black People" because of Hurricane Katrina seriously. That's what people in your party who dominate the media and news stations are making students believe. No, of course they did not say that George Bush hates black people but you know that they were the first ones to force their negative views of President Bush on these kids.

All you have to do is look at what the students who don't typically watch news or do any research think about President Bush. They are a small portion of the people whose views the liberal media creates by their twisted politics and the views of the Democrat Officials in Government.

I don't ask you if you really believe what you wrote because I know you wouldn't write it if you did not believe in it. I just expect you to think into what other people say instead of closing your mind to it before you even enter an argument.

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I will agree the democrats are doing better. They have to. The next presidency in their favor is dependant upon it. But to compare the Iraq stuff to watergate is where you lose me. Your arguments about Iraq remind me of the arguments about whitewater. It's all political bs at this point just to advance the dems agenda to gain the presidency in the next election. You are so intoxicated with the media stuff you cannot understand that.

You are comparing Iraq to Whitewater??? Are you freakin serious?

Now I know the right has lost almost all hope, and they're tossing anything and everything against the wall. Man, Iraq=Whitewater . . . yet you don't see a comparisson to Watergate :doh: Am I'M the blind one.

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Chom if you put this much effort in your daily job you might get a raise :silly:

wait ... this isn't his job?

I thought chom was paid by Howard Dean to argue the liberal perspective on internet messageboards.

It's only fair - Sarge is paid by the U.S. military to do the same thing for them.

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wait ... this isn't his job?

I thought chom was paid by Howard Dean to argue the liberal perspective on internet messageboards.

It's only fair - Sarge is paid by the U.S. military to do the same thing for them.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I would lose all respect for Chom if he took one cent from Dean :D

I do think the problem with politics today is we have such a large part of far left and far right, and all they care about is making the others look bad, they do not care at all what is best for this country as long as the make the others look dumb which is goal #1 :doh:

Which is why I think in the future the ones who should run for president will never do it.

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Do you know what my biggest problem with liberals like you are? You are all close-minded and read only what you want to read. Of course I believe what I wrote. If you could just open your eyes and look at the corruption with the media! You are just like the people I mentioned who don't broaden their research or the stations they watch. You watch what everybody else watches and form your opinions on what the liberal press is writing.

Seeing how you are new here you really have NO IDEA who you are talking to, what my positions are on a number of issues, and what my thoughts are. . . but I gave you a specific example of WHY I could tell where you get your information from.

I'm not the only one who thought that there were really WMDs. Ask your friend Bill Clinton, John Kerry, or Hillary Clinton. They all believed it too. And no, I think it is more likely that Iraq does not have WMDs right now but I am sure they used to have them and that Saddam Hussein got rid of them before the U.S. went to war with Iraq. Iraq is a big country, Saddam could have and could still have WMDs hidden and we could have just not found them. What we are really facing now is trying to staighten up that part of the world. As you know it is one of the most corrupt places on this planet.

yes, Saddam did get rid of them before we invaded. . . in 96'!!!! The weapons inspectors could not find them yet they reported they were making progress in Iraq, and they would have a difinitive answer in a few months. Bush said "to long, get out, we're attacking". That is the FACT of the situation. The democrats did NOT WANT to invade Iraq, they wanted to find a peaceful solution, but Bush, in his cowboy hat mentality went at it because Saddam was "eeeevil". I'm just suprised Bush never put his binky up to the side of his mouth when he said it :doh:

What I think is funny is that when the fighting toned down in Israel and Palestine most of the Democrats and liberals (which I'm sure you will deny) said that they would have gone into Iraq but they would have done it differently. Once more attacks resumed in Iraq they changed their mind.

Please back up your BS with a quote. Show me where a democrat said "I would have invaded Iraq, but I would have invaded differently". . . more paranoid delusional BS sprouted off from the extreme right wing, right next to Pat Robertson and Dobson.

Democrats Officials and government leaders choose their words and beliefs on what they think it popular at the time. In my opinion many of them don't have true beliefs about anything. The only thing they believe in right now is power. And yes I believe that too. I don't think that the people who follow the Democrat party are all like that but I believe that they fall into the liberal media trap. The sad thing is that it's working and as long as liberals continue to dominate the media, naive people are going to believe everything they say.

There you go again with a ridiculous statement like that "the liberals control the media" :doh: Man, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the liberals do not "control the media" if they did, every news channel would sound like Air America, and they do not. But then again, that would actually take a slight bit of objectivity on your part wouldn't it???

I don't believe everything I hear anywhere but I trust FOX News way more than I would ever trust the stations you watch.

Ant that is why you are wrong, and that is how you were exposed in your first post. You let it slip out little things that are not true, and are only fed to Fox News and other RW propaganda channels. Unfortunately, you look at propaganda and view it as actual news. You view it as actual reporting. You are the perfect example of why the 96 tellecommunications bill was a HORRIBLE idea. Yes, one instance when deregulation actually hurt our country.

There is no problem with FOX News. The problem is with most of the other news stations and YOU BELEIVE everything you hear on there because AGAIN the media is LIBERAL DOMINATED.

I am really suprised that you believe this. Other news stations are not "liberal dominated", not at all. Fox News is a conservative propaganda channel with a fax line connected directly to the white house. . . but then again, that "liberal writer" George Will doesn't know what he's talking about either huh :doh:

Also very typical of liberals. If something challenges you, you assume it's wrong and ask for proof and if you don't have it in writing from the source yourself, you will say it's wrong. I was watching my LOCAL news the other day and I heard that since the events of 9/11 America had stopped many terrorists who were in America and stopped them just in time before they made their attack. I have also heard references to this on FOX News, CNN, and MSNBC. I, unlike most liberals, am open-minded and try to see all sides. So when I say something I believe it and I have legitimate reasons to believe it.

You are openminded :rotflmao:. . . no :stop: wait. . . :rotflmao: :laugh: :notworthy: :rotflmao:

I asked you for proof, and your proof is "I saw it on the news" :laugh: Man, I really hope you don't try to balance your checking acccount with that type of logic. . . you may try to buy Manhatten next time you're in NY :laugh:

This reminds me of how, yesterday, I brought the same quotes I posted on here (which I researched to make sure each person said them) into one of my mainly liberal classes at school. I gave one copy to my teacher and another copy to this group of Democrats. Some were actually willing to read what I showed them and said that they believed that it was not Bush misleading America to go into Iraq.

However, a couple girls at the table would not hear it. They refused to read the paper and one girl said, "I don't want to read that paper because I have my beliefs and no matter what your piece of paper says, I am sticking to them." I have asked her many times where she gets her information from and I she will not open her mind to other ideas. She said that she watches the news when it is on and that she has never watched FOX News and you can tell she does not research what she believes in. That is the problem, she will believe in what she hears as most liberals do.

What's terrible about this is that she, like many people at my school, actually take what people like Kanye West when he said that "George Bush Hates Black People" because of Hurricane Katrina seriously. That's what people in your party who dominate the media and news stations are making students believe. No, of course they did not say that George Bush hates black people but you know that they were the first ones to force their negative views of President Bush on these kids.

You will learn as you get older, and I can tell by your ranting and blatently OBVIOUS blind ideological thinking that you really don't get it, so I will just leave the rest of it out for now.

All I can give you is a bit of advise. . . Fox News is about as biased as you can get in terms of a "news" channel. They are the propaganda wing of the RNC and the white house, and it is really plain for anyone who looks objectively at situations to see. Unfortunately, you don't have enough experience in life, and you are talking through your parents words not your own. As you get older, you will come to realize what I am talking about, you will start to see and understand things like you haven't before. That is unless you just watch Fox News and listen to hate radio. If you only get your information from one source, then you obvilously will think one way and the only thing that will change it is you.

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Chom if you put this much effort in your daily job you might get a raise :silly:

It Saturday :laugh:

Actually, you're probably right. I'm maxed at my GS level right now, and I need an act of Congress "literally, and I'm serious" to get a grade increase. The only salary increases I get are through COLA alowances. . . but they are usually a couple grand every year so it isn't all that bad :laugh:

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I think the wild expenditures coming out of this Republican COngress pretty much proves that they too vote for their constituents. On principle Republicans are for a smaller government, but they too pander to the voters in tehir district to stay in power.

Actually, they are liars, and they don't want small government. How else do you explain the massive increase in services under the Republicans.

That is a decient defense though, that they put pork in bills, but then again that's not called voting the party line.

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