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This game has absolutely nothing to do with the officiating today. Joe Gibbs conservative playcalling on 3rd and 2 late in this game cost us. End of story. Enough of the refs conspiracy bullcrap,ok?

We had a chance to ice this game and Gibbs got timid with the playbook.


Brunell and his turnovers cost us the game, that and the defense giving up BIG plays!

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Well, if not for yet another Brunell fumble they get points off of today, we wouldn't have lost this one. Sorry, that my opinion. I don't want to hear how mark played his heart out. He continues to lose the ball every week giving the other team easy points.

Yes, I think we got hosed on the force out early, and the two pointer at the end, but with out Brunells fumble, it wouldn't have mattered. It's gotte old very fast

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IMO this was our game to loose and WE LOST IT... not the refs. We tackle decently on that conversion there is no review, there is no nothing, we win. Our defense holds them to a feild goal the entire GD GAME and we win. We dont go three and out before punting with 2 min. to go, we win. We dont turn the ball over, we win. We lost this one, lets go on to next week as soon as possible.

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$10 bucks that because this was a close game, right down to the end and the Skins lose to a team they were supposed to beat that this makes NFL Net Game of The Week.

On another note, I cannot believe how much they slurped Simms all game. He is straight garbage.

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