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SI: Clinton Portis, Redskins Running Back


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Clinton Portis, Redskins Running Back

As told to Lisa Altobelli

On bringing his mother, Rhonnel Hearn, to his senior prom at Gainesville (Fla.) High in 1999

I've always been close to my mom. I guess it was different, but I couldn't believe what a big deal it became. Everyone in school knew about it. She had a good time. We danced. Everyone loved being around her. At midnight I dropped her off back home and went out to continue my night.

On his outstanding track career in high school

As hard as it was, my favorite event was the 4x400. It hurts like nothing else. You think football hurts? Go run a quarter at full speed. After that, you can't do anything but lie down. You're whole body locks up.

On his mentor at Miami, fellow Hurricane Edgerrin James

He helped me, and everyone, keep a level head. He did so much so soon, but he stayed grounded. A real life lesson.

On his aquariums

I got one in college, and it completely lit up our place. It took it from looking like a regular pad to upscale living. Ever since, I've had an aquarium everywhere I've been. I have sharks, eels and lionfish. I have someone come in three times a week to check on the fish, clean the tanks and make sure that they eat right. He does a good job putting the right fish together to make sure they don't attack each other.

On his brother Gerald's surviving Hurricane Katrina

He lived in Gulfport [Miss.], and he lost everything: his house, cars, TVs. He was with his wife and two kids, ages three and five; they were stuck there for two or three days. Once they got out, they never went back. They're going to start over in Memphis.

On his first purchase after signing an eight-year, $50.5 million deal with Washington in 2004

I went into Miami and bought a Ferrari that same night. All my life I wanted a Ferrari. It was a champagne-colored 360 -- the only one of its kind in that color. They had made it for Prince, but he changed his mind at the last minute. I don't have it anymore. I can't tell the story, but I messed it up.

On his 2001 car crash with then Miami teammates Jarrett Payton and Clint Hurtt

Clint was driving Jarrett's convertible, and we hit a retaining wall on the freeway. I still have a scar over my eye. I was pretty banged up. [No one was seriously hurt.] Anyone who saw that car thought we were dead. The car was smushed. But the crash made me open up. Until my junior year in college, nobody knew my personality. I was really shy. But after that wreck -- knowing how close I came to not being here -- I began hanging with more of my teammates. I began to have fun. I became a more vocal person.

On growing up in Gainesville but playing for Miami

We only played them in the Sugar Bowl during my second year. It was fun but I never had the opportunity to play them in the swamp so it wasn't as big of a deal as if I had played them during the regular season in my own backyard. The Bowl game was at a neutral site down in New Orleans. But it was still fun to play against guys that you came through high school with or you watched play at U and hoped to one day be in their position. My cousin, Robert Gillepsie, actually played for the Gators at the time so it was fun to be on the same field with him because he always talked noise about how sweet he was. But having the luxury of going to Miami and winning the national championship made it all the more special because if I had gone to UF I never would have had that.

On being traded from Denver to DC

To be honest, I definitely thought that I would be the third pick in the draft to the Detroit Lions. I figured David Carr was a good pick for Houston, and that Julius Peppers was a great pick for Carolina and then I thought I was going to Detroit. I thought I would be Barry's replacement. And it definitely didn't happen. I ended up going 51st to Denver and I had the biggest chip on my shoulder for those years that I was there. I was constantly proving, proving, proving myself. And then I came here and I think the chip, and then the edge, kind of left me. I felt like I finally arrived and relaxed. But that's not necessarily a good thing for me. I carried that chip my entire life. There were always people against me. So once I got here, I finally felt like I had the upper hand. I felt like I had people on my side. I had the accolades. But then I wasn't on my game and I saw how quickly people dispersed and the negativity came back. But that made me appreciate the things that I had already accomplished and then look forward to my future because I know that it holds a brighter path. I know I'll be successful and we'll be successful.

On being booed badly by Denver fans this season

I wasn't surprised but people can be unappreciative. The thing I got the most out of that is that they miss me. For having a whole stadium boo you like that I figure that it must have hurt them to not have me there playing for them.

On last year vs. this year

Last year there was more rah rah rah. Now it's all about focus. We have one goal and that's to win. Whether we're on the road or at home. We're coming into your house and we're going to take whatever it is that you've got. And when you come into our house we're going to give it to you. We're going to hit you. We want to come out of it being the tougher team. We only have two losses but we've been having turnover problems all season so we just have to straighten that out. But as far as being physical I don't think any team has been more physical or has outplayed us. You just try to keep everyone positive and doing whatever it takes to help win. Whether it be blocking or just hustling. When you step on that field on Sunday you try and pick everyone up and say come on let's do this. If you look at all our games this season they've been great. Even the ones we lost, that team mentality has still been there.

On his favorite piece of memorabilia in his house

It might be the picture during the Chiefs game in 2003. I had brought out the heavyweight champion belt that someone sent me [rapper Pastor Troy] and Shannon Sharpe and I were on the sidelines laughing hysterically. Someone framed it for me for my birthday and it just makes me smile.

On the purpose of the Clinton Portis Foundation

We distribute scholarships for kids to attend school at Santa Fe Community College and the University Miami and then there's the Clinton Portis wing at the University of Miami but my overall goal is to build a facility to give kids something positive to do at night. Most daycare facilities close by 6:00 or 7:00pm but some parents work nights too and their kids don't have a place to go and end up roaming the streets. I want to put a gym in there and a movie theater and staff it with tutors and just make it a place where kids can hang but still be safe.

Portis, 24, is 33 career Rushing yards shy of 5,000. he plays at Philly on Sunday.

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On his first purchase after signing an eight-year, $50.5 million deal with Washington in 2004

I went into Miami and bought a Ferrari that same night. All my life I wanted a Ferrari. It was a champagne-colored 360 -- the only one of its kind in that color. They had made it for Prince, but he changed his mind at the last minute. I don't have it anymore. I can't tell the story, but I messed it up.

On his 2001 car crash with then Miami teammates Jarrett Payton and Clint Hurtt

Clint was driving Jarrett's convertible, and we hit a retaining wall on the freeway. I still have a scar over my eye. I was pretty banged up. [No one was seriously hurt.] Anyone who saw that car thought we were dead. The car was smushed. But the crash made me open up. Until my junior year in college, nobody knew my personality. I was really shy. But after that wreck -- knowing how close I came to not being here -- I began hanging with more of my teammates. I began to have fun. I became a more vocal person.

Sounds like CP's not a very good driver. Here's a before and after:


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