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I have been a Redskins fan all my life and it is time this team get back to where they were when Gibbs coached. I feel Marty should still be the head coach and I think during the off season a few changes would have been made to get us back in that form. I think Marty would have found a good quarterback for next season along with another top notch receiver and he along with the fans would have good things next season. Now here we go again starting all over again. I would prefer and experineced NFL coach over spurier I guess time will tell.

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I am also a big fan of continuity. I would have hired a GM last year to find me a coach I wouldn't have to fire after one year. rolleyes.gif

The problem now is that Marty was not going to make even 'a few changes.' Schottenheimer himself admits he was uncompromising to the end, which is why he got the boot. He was not going to find a new OC, he was considering sticking with Banks.

I don't know enough about college sports to know how good Spurrier is, or can be, or whatever. I do know that we should have had a real GM all along, and it's better late than never. Dan Snyder's learning curve is real slow. But at least, maybe, he's learning.

I sure do hope this is the last coaching change for awhile, though. I can't take much more of this. frerotte.gif


"Men, there's nothing to get excited about. The situation is normal; we are surrounded."

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What Nebraska did a few years back was a beautiful thing. Spurrier would empty the backfield and put five men in the route. Every time he would, Nebraska would press cover and rush six, always having one free man on the rush. I don't think it was a tactic that Spurrier allowed to happen much after that game, but, Nebraska got the best of him that day for certain.


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