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Psychology SOS


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IMO Coach Spurrier was using incredible psychology for how he started this new era. My points are as follows:

He started Sage because he has been here the longest - if Sage has a good night - Spurrier looks good. If he looks badly, he knows that Sage will probably be cut towards the end of camp and it's no big deal.

By starting Sage and knowing that he could struggle against the 49ers 1st team D. He also had to have a hunch that Danny (being familiar with the system) would have an easier time moving the ball against the 49ers 2nd team D. This theory as well adds to the credibility that his system works and makes "us" feel more confident going forward.

Starting Sage was a win-win situation for SOS - I just wonder if he had any of this thought out going into Osaka.

Does anyone get where I am going with this? I am at a loss to find the right words to get my point across. I hope you guys can figure out what it is I am trying to say.

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He started Sage because he has been here the longest - if Sage has a good night - Spurrier looks good. If he looks badly, he knows that Sage will probably be cut towards the end of camp and it's no big deal.

I have to disagree with you here. I REALLY think Spurrier LIKES Sage. NO, I don't think he'll be the starter, but I think Spurrier really would keep all four QBs if he could. At training camp, Spurrier has spent a LOT of time with Sage. More so, it seems, than the other two. That's just what I saw.

I think Sage was in there because 1.) Rosenfels deserved it and Spurrier wanted to give him his due as a holdover from last year and 2.) Spurrier geniunely wanted to see what Sage could do against a first team niners squad right off the bat.

Unfortunately, I'm not to certain Sage etched out a spot on the roster for himself. Whatever Spurrier sees in him seems to be going right over our heads. *shrugs*

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He probably does like Sage, he's a nice kid. But the NFL is a business first unfortunately. Thank goodness we have 5 preseason games, but Sage did not look sharp last night until the scrubs came in.

Hopefully he'll get some action later this month come games 4 and 5. If he shows that he can play against a first string defense, then we might keep 4 QBs, because I think Danny secured his roster spot last night.

Sage is just going to have to pray that we keep 4 QBs.

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After watching SOS for the last 25 years at one place or another (UF, Bandits, Duke, UF) there is one thing about his psychology you should know. It's all out there on the table.

Pinhead media types who've never played any sports whatsoever have labeled him "The Evil Genius." But that cannot be farther from the truth. What he is, is just a Genius. They labeled him "evil" because he is relentless. As you will see throughout this year, he will not stop trying to score until there is about 30 seconds left in the game.

He has been tabbed a person who Runs Up The Score, but simply he has stated on the record that he thought everyone on the team deserved a chance to play in real situations and that as far as he knew, it was the other teams responsibility to stop his team from scoring, not his own. People just don't get him, well except for 99.9% of ALL Gator fans and soon to be Gatorskins Fans. He is a pure competitor at heart. If you can post half-a-hundred on him, he'll give you all the credit after the game. But, if he can post half-a-hundred on you, don't cry like a baby after the game! Take it like a grown man!

SOS has consistently been a man who speaks his mind openly to the media. He comes up with one-liners that he seems to pull from a bottom less pit of witticism. One of the things nobody believes is that he will tell how he is going to beat you and he does it! Everyone, including the originator of this post, thinks there is an alterior motive, but there isn't. He wanted to make a statement in this game and he did. Look out NFL!

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