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fulminations from profootballtalk


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tiresome media bs


With news that free-agent Daryl Gardener has signed a contract with the Redskins, the reaction by some in the Miami organization is to shake their heads and say, "Good luck" to a team that has a reputation for gathering "name" players without giving much thought to the manner in which those players will interact.

And it's a very real phenomenon in he modern NFL, where every season brings a new experiment in chemistry in virtually every training camp. Look no farther than the 2000 Redskins, who widely were considered to be one of the best teams in the league.

Instead, the Redskins flamed out that year, burdened by the fact that the various personalities couldn't play together like a team.

With the new focus on togetherness prompted by the Patriots' stunning performance in 2001, the Redskins seem to be focusing once again on the concept that slapping together marquee players (especially on defense) automatically will lead to success. And the addition of Gardener seems to be even further proof that owner/de fact G.M. Dan Snyder learned nothing from the experiences of the 2000 season

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1. Gardener was signed to a cap friendly deal.

2. Other acquisitions were either cap friendly as well such as Jessie Armstead or Jacquez Green, or were long-term for up and coming players such as Jeremiah Trotter and Reynaldo Wynn.

3. The Redskins are on pace to have only a mid-size payroll by NFL standards for 2002.

4. We accumulated 3 extra selections in this year's draft by trading down. Not the move of an organization bent on the quick fix. No, the quick fix would have been to trade for Drew Bledsoe and give up picks. :)

5. This team seems as close and harmonious as any I can remember since Gibbs left. The acrimony and recrimminations of the Turner and Schottenheimer years has dissipated. You don't see players bad-mouthing the coaching staff or the methods employed in getting the team ready to play.

6. Unlike 2000, when Turner was allowed to return, Snyder made his FIRST moves the securing of the services of his head coach and DC to run the show. Wasn't building an organization from the top down with the staff what was suggested to Snyder from all those editorials after both Turner and Marty were history?

7. There was no Deion Sanders type acquisition in 2002. No single player whose image and selfishness to overshadow the growth of the team. If the Redskins had really wanted to play fantasy football Drew Bledsoe, Sam Adams and Antonio Freeman would already be here :)

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Gee, it couldn't possibly have been the people who wanted to cut him in the first place that could be shaking their heads in Miami, could it?

Duh duh duh duh.......

Gardner is playing on a petty contract if he doesn't pan out.

If he does, and he hits all the incentives and collects $2M, then he must have done something right and we got a steal at a spot that was a sore need.

Either way, the long term consequences are petty compared to the signings of Deion, Bruce, Carrier, and George.

Handing a $8M signing bonus to an aged clown prince = BAD

Handing a 250,000 signing bonus to gamble on a potential boost for our defense = GOOD

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I agree, it is not like this is a long term deal with a heavy signing bonus. One year deal doesn't have any effect on our future cap.

The only long term effect this could have is Gardener comes in, everyone likes him, he plays at a high level, and then we would have to pony up next season to keep him.

Dark Horse, check your email.

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I could have accepted this kind of reaction on the Redskins signing Garderner if the contract was a multi-year, multi million dollar signing bonus. The fact is, the Redskins have very little risk here. The only aging player the Redskins have signed on defense is Armstead and he is only 31, I believe turning 32 during the season. The 2000 signings and the signings of this offseason make for no comparison. Honestly, even though the Redskins have signed all these guys, it doesn't guarantee success but at least they went after younger guys this offseason. Proven, younger guys at that.

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I did notice in today's national papers that the Gardener signing was just a footnote. I think if he signed with Dallas that it would be front page material.

We are talking about another former all-pro player that has many Miami players shaking their heads because they cannot believe he is no longer a Dolphin. Dave Wannstedt will be out of this league, at least as a head coach, way before Daryl Gardener. I even rate Daryl more of an impact player than Sam Adams.

But, the media has kept that part of the story quiet, because after all it is the World vs. the Washington Redskins. By the way, the USA TODAY SPORTS front page at the top...has a poll in(probably taken in Dallas) on how most people think Dallas had the best draft. What a joke? There should have been a story on how Gardener will be taking the Redskins to the next level! But, now that we have Spurrier, the naysayers do not bother me anymore. I have got the Spurrier attitude down pat... I know we will be good....darn good!:high:

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Originally posted by PennState11

This is way diffrent then 2000. Then we had signed aging stars. And last time i checked we didnt have a fist fight between players ;)

Also we didn't break the bank to sign this guy!

If he blows, he gone....minimal harm done!

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