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Boomer: "Brunell's two td passes won't bring confidence to the Redskins offense"


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Well Tim Rattay looked like Joe Montana against Dallas, so we're just gonna have to see how we play against the Seahawks.

OTOH, that's "looked like a loosing Joe Montana".

But if your point is that our 14 points doesn't look too hot compared to other teams that've faced the feared Dallas defense, then I hear ya.

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Well then I guess we should just get rid of all pregame shows and analysis shows because nobody knows anything that's going to happen until they play.

Huh? He's just countering you calling Boomer's opinion "reality". Speculation is what makes pre-game shows for good or bad.

Boomer could be right, but it's no certainty yet.

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The guy has thrown two good passes in two years. You cant expect everyone to jump on the band wagon right away. Actually since the last time he played dallas. He still has a long way to go though to even suggest he isnt the worst starting qb in the NFL much less an average one.

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alright straight up.... the two passes were a fluke against dallas... the only way they wouldnt be is if brunell was consistent with that type of play... the only thing brunell is consistent with is throwing 5 yard passes to guys who will get nailed directly after catching the ball....the way brunell plays sets us up for failure. so besides the two passes what would give the offense any confidence? im with boomer

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Nothing breeds success more than a lack of respect.

Lack of respect does not breed success. We've had a lack of respect for the past several years and not much success came of that.

Success will bring about respect. We are no real threat to any team at this point. Even though our defence can shut down most teams, we won't hear people admit respect/fear until the scoreboards start indicating a larger margin of victory.

I understand your thinking though. The total lack of respect we are getting will give the team extra motivation. That can be helpful to our success.

Hail To The Redskins!!

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:wavetowel :thumbsup: way to jump on the bandwagon. At least were in first place for two weeks this year and probably at least 3 weeks after today. Couldn't say that last year :D

Our offense is just as bad if not worse than last year, Brunells two miracle tosses aren't going to gloss that over.
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Guest Gichin13
not a great choice of words there, considering the great work he does. :doh:

Doesn't he work raising money for cystic fibrosis? Not sure that has anything to do with mental handicaps ...

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OK, let's be honest here and look at it from an outsiders perspective. Our offense has looked absolutely dreadful outside of those 2 passes, and maybe Brunell's other 20+ yard pass to Moss. Noone can say for certain yet if it's a flash in the pan or a turning point. Heath Shuler connected on a bomb and beat Dallas in Texas Stadium, but he was still a horrible QB. I hope we've turned the corner, but if not, we could very well be in for a repeat of last year with Brunell at the helm. People have to guess on these shows who the busts will be, and I'd have to say it's far more likely for Brunell to be a disappointment than, say, Eli. :(

I have to agree. I have the utmost confidence in the strength of our defense, and I think this win solidified that to a degree. But I also think it revealed a great weakness in our offense, and the QB problem at its heart. the media certainly is betting against us and underestimates us, but we do have a problem

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