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Gardner's Impact...

Dirk Diggler

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I think if he is healthy, this is a move that is equal to, if not, exceeding the importance of Jeremiah Trotter.

It's pretty obvious that our LB's and CB's will be the feature players in this defense. But if there is no one to protect the LB's and the CB's have to cover WR's for 8 seconds instead of 5 seconds, then we will underachieve.

Lewis wants to 2 gap and we need at least 2 lineman to control the line, preferably an end and tackle. Wynn is that kind of end. Gardener, if healthy, will be the tackle. Listen to Lewis's comments and he is always talking about the D-line's ability to "stay on it's feet" and the importance of making sure the offense doesn't "cut the defense in half." That is not one gap kinda talk.

This is the first player we have in 8 years who has the ability to stand up road-grader guards like Larry Allen. I think it's safe to say that our D-line has improved from a run-stopping standpoint. Now if Lewis can get creative with generating a pass rush, we will be looking at a top 3 defense.

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When he signs with us there will be alot of QBs throwing from the basement.

Our DTs are 6'6 to 6'7 and 320 lbs plus that can penetrate thus forcing team to double team them creating one on one situations with Wynn and B Smith.

Hope the team remains healthy so we can see what these guys can do.

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