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We owe Thanks to Moss, not an Apology To Brunell


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Well I wont be that crude, we owe thanks to both Moss and Brunell (mainly Moss). Brunell played 3 and a half bad quarters of football. I have no doubt Ramsey would have delivered a win with the way the game played out tonight. Brunell needs to be consistent and sustain long drives for me to even think about an apology. Ramsey has done that more as a starter than Brunell has (as a skin of course). Im ecstatic that we won but our offense was the WORST in the league for the vast majority of the game, we need to fix that. Ramsey needs to be our QB, not Brunell.

Time to tuck Patrick into bed is'nt it?

PS: At least Brunell actually would be able to throw it in a lake standing on a pier. Brunells our man then Campbell. Ramsey is history barriing injury. Deal with it.. jeez.

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I dont understand how everyone is saying Brunell played horrible....

The offense as a whole was horrible, and the playcalling was horrible throughout the first 3.5 quarters...Other than the one bad play by Brunell he played this game like it should have been played he hit WR's when he had time and he made plays on 3rd down all along but we didnt attack the D due to conservative playcalling...

The difference between the first 3.5 quarters and that last 4 mins was the playcalling...We actually began to attack the D by using combo routes and scheme to get deep...

That's what has been missing from this offense...

Yes, the offense for the first portion was horrible.

Then Brunell connected on two amzaing TD passes. Amazing.

The offense is okay...th;ey jusiy need to know how to do that all the time...

EDIT: Sorry, I'm drunk and I make no sense.

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You really are drunk, jrock.

But anyways, fballhenry, we really didn't need this post RIGHT NOW on this board. I understand where you're coming from, but its not like Brunell didn't CONNECT on those passes and help win the game. I'd also throw in that scramble. let's hope it continues and that we see more of THAT rather than what we were seeing.

But just as I got on another poster for calling me out and using this as an opportunity to puff his chest, I gotta this thread was unneeded.

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You really are drunk, jrock.

But anyways, fballhenry, we really didn't need this post RIGHT NOW on this board. I understand where you're coming from, but its not like Brunell didn't CONNECT on those passes and help win the game. I'd also throw in that scramble. let's hope it continues and that we see more of THAT rather than what we were seeing.

But just as I got on another poster for calling me out and using this as an opportunity to puff his chest, I gotta this thread was unneeded.

YES, I am, Ghost. IU am very drunk,. I can't type right. But I take it you agree wkjtyh me, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!

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Ramsey has the arm strenght but isn't accurate, and has no mobility. The main reason Ramsey isn't a starter is his panic bad judgement calls. He would have gotten 5 picks, 8 sacks, and few fumbles. When their was only 5 minutes in the game, and the thought of will they bench Burnell came to mind. I thought I hope they don't put Ramsey in instead of Campbell. I think it's only fair to trade Ramsey to another team. We should take a draft pick for him.

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Not angry at you original poster, nor anyone after tonight, but you are right that it wasn't pretty.

I was running this by a non-skins fan while watching the game tonight, and (truely) it is not a criticism of Gibbs. I think the offense, Brunnell, Ramsey, Campbell, whomever is in there just needs to get the plays off quicker. 4 yard pass plays (which we weren't even averaging until the 4th got figured in) aren't necessarily a bad thing. Remember the early (Brady) Patriots.

If short passing is what we do best, which is what I think, despite Brunnell's bombs tonight, let's do it. We just need to pick up the pace.

Imagine... 5 yard hook to Cooley...spread run for Portis for even 2/3...manageable 3d, all rapidly executed, and I think things really start to open up for us.

Gibbs' formations are still unique, and I think still give opponents something to think about/ distract them in preparation. I'm just not sure how much we're gaing from taking so long to get every play off. I think we could use them in a quicker fashion, without all the motion, to get defenses off balance... get a lead, and then really start messing with them.

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