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A cup of 'shut the heck up'


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I would definitely love to send it out to my boss, an Eagles fan. Whenever the Skins lose he comes in the next morning and says "Go Redskins" with contempt. But man when the Eagles lost to Atlanta, you could have heard a pin drop, it was almost eerily quiet. Fortunately my coworker, who is a Skins fan also, and I won't sink to his level, so we don't gloat. Although you can bet on it, if the skins beat the Eagles, he will get a copy of Hailskins.wav emailed to him.

Go skins...beat



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We need to win to take the first public step towards shutting them all up. Notice how yesterday when the Bears went off on the Lions the sports "gurus" were like, "The Bears finally showed some offense after struggling last week against the skins..." Well, resident sports geniuses, did you ever think why they looked like Spurrier's USC offense against us? Because of our DEFENSE. The media sucks, and most people on this planet are like sheep and just believe what they are told. At least now I know that there are some people who can think for themselves; coincidentally 90% of them are members of this site...

GO SKINS!!!!!!!!!!! WE WANT DALLAS!!!!!!! (and philly, too...)

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First of all it's "Czaban", not Zabin.

Secondly, I'm pretty sure he's remained a staunch supporter of Gibbs, and of the team.

I'm not a Czaban apologist, but what has he said that would warrant him being included in the poll?

I don't give a ratt's rump how to spell his name. He's said plenty and been more than critical of JG and the team in general.

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We need to win to take the first public step towards shutting them all up. Notice how yesterday when the Bears went off on the Lions the sports "gurus" were like, "The Bears finally showed some offense after struggling last week against the skins..." Well, resident sports geniuses, did you ever think why they looked like Spurrier's USC offense against us? Because of our DEFENSE. The media sucks, and most people on this planet are like sheep and just believe what they are told. At least now I know that there are some people who can think for themselves; coincidentally 90% of them are members of this site...

GO SKINS!!!!!!!!!!! WE WANT DALLAS!!!!!!! (and philly, too...)

Yea..I feel you on this...

Its like..the Redskins don't/never get/got any respect from any media outlet.....no matter what happens with them...

I never understood it..

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I don't give a ratt's rump how to spell his name. He's said plenty and been more than critical of JG and the team in general.

Jesus H, what the hell is he supposed to say? GOD THIS TEAM IS GREAT??!!! It is so refreshing to hear someone who has the guts to tell it like it is. I'm not going to list the reasons why this is a struggling franshise but it's safe to say that the list is long. Czabe is also on the record as saying that criticizing Gibbs has been one of the most gut-wrenching things he's had to do as a radio host. And I'm generally left of center so you know he irks me with a lot of his support for Bush but generally he's spot on when he's talking about this team. Some people just can't see past their noses I guess.

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I am so hoping we win in Dallas and have a big year, because not only do I wish to "shut-up" the slanted media, and fans of teams like Dallas and Philly who come here, but now (and sadly) some of our own fans who have decided that JG is a moron and should be replaced.

The only problem I see after we win tonight is the Dallas fan saying we got lucky, and pointing out this is only our second win in some time. I would rather look at it as the start of a new trend.

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