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Top 10 things Steve Spurrier will do in his NFL first training camp

One Dollar

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Top 10 things Steve Spurrier will do in his NFL first training camp

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Alright fellas this is just for fun so don't kill the messenger. :)

You all know how I feel about SOS and I could be wrong but until the games are played my opinion is as valid as anyones. This parady is not blastphemous in any way and should at least make those with a sense of humor smile.

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10) Whoooooops. S.S. Coaches the Redskins. Not the Cowboys

9) coffee is fortunately very strong in Carlisle, hasn't happened yet.....that we know of....

8) Including the ravenous fans

7) that's a given

6)And Levar the Butkus award

5) 77-6, last second field gaol by the sprinkler guy.

4) Another given

3)With the Redskins this time

2) Unlike in Seminole land, at least they'll be attractive.

1) Good for him. Ask Haslett about the alternative.


Dollar, sorry, but no, you're opinion is not as valid as anyone elses. The past few days have shown you to have some strong feelings about S.S. , at the very least. This can cloud your objectivity and tends to undermine your points of view.......every bit as much as being a Redskins fan can possibly do the same to mine. :cheers:

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Park City,

I resemble that remark :) Yes your right it does cloud my view. After all I never claimed to know everything, kind of like any crazed fan right?

Tommy, I'm a Buc fan and yes, as of today all are in camp except one 7th rounder (gee I'm worried about that one ;) ). Today is the reporting day camppractices starts officially tomorrow)

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Now $, you KNEW this was not going to sit well with most of us, otherwise, you would NOT have prefaced it with the "don't kill the messenger" line.

Seems to me, if you thought it would bring a smile, you would have posted that on some other board, where the fans aren't as loyal and as intelligent as those here.

And yes, you leave NO doubt in anyone's mind how you feel about Double S.


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Lighten up Blondie,

It actually makes more fun of the college angle than actually the Redskins. And I actually got it off a Saints board (one of our new division rivals). Now they are a hopeful bunch and actually laugh at Spurrier being an NFL coach. I just think it's going to take longer than his ego thinks but IMHO he will eventually be a very good NFL coach. Just because I don't like his sideline pouting and whinning at oposing teams and officials doesn't mean I don't think he is a good coach.

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One question... What is it with bucks fans? You all are some of the nastiest fans I have ever seen. I saw the skins at bucks a few years ago, the fans were rude and agressive. In contrast, when I saw the skins at jax, I recieved good natured ribbing. I generaly like the bucks (Sap and Allstot are some of my favorite players) but their fans suck.

BTW just ordered my tix for skins at jax this year, wohoo!:high:

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Yes Dollar. You're right about crazed fans.

"I warned ya, he was great in Florida but even the worst DC in the NFL will make his college offenses look silly"

"Willie has proven himself already, so he does not fit in the catagory. Spurrier wouldn't be able to take credit for his success."


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Mike, bucks fans are in Milwakee ;)

Generalizing is never a good thing. There are a-holes in every city. I can say the same about Skin fans from experiences I've had with several (that they suck) but I can say it for only the ones I've met that were like that. Have you talked with EVERY one of the 66,000 season ticket holders and every Tampa fan in the country? See my point.

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AW....$....did I come down too hard on you?

The reason I answered like I did is because I reread many of the posts about Double S that you have posted. The smack just keeps going and going and going......kinda like those little pink bunny batteries. Just won't stop.

If I offended you, I apologize. (Mark this date down, the WOMAN is saying she is sorry.)


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