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Could Matthews be cut?


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Even though a lot of us look at Matthews as the likely starter, why don't we consider it a possibility that he could be cut? I mean, he sounds really crappy so far and his weak arm sounds like a real problem. If Sage and Danny are way ahead of him (which it sounds like right now), then why not make him a surprise cut?

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Agreed, OrangeSkin. Based on tommy-the-greek's report from today, I'm now leaning toward the conclusion that Matthews will be cut.

Ironically, I'm now seeing Ramsey's holdout contributing to this conclusion (the reverse of my prior impression, which was that Ramsey's holdout would hurt Sage). I'm starting to get a hunch that Spurrier could feel that the perfect rebuke to Ramsey would be to promote his most dangerous long-term rival, Sage.

Lots of tommy's details contribute to this impression, not least the sight of Sage kicking a field goal. We should not forget that this was Spurrier's last act as a Gator player (kicking the winning field goal in his final game). He could see Sage as his latest protoge.

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I don't see it. I see Matthews as the #3, and Wuerffel cut. The fact that the speeds of the game and familiarization benefit Matthews more the Wuerffel, means he'll either be a #2 or #3. We aren't that great at QB period. Ramsey's holdout, even for a few days, delays the "mental" and visual aspects of what to expect. No pun intended, but if he even signs and plays a 5 minute segement in the 4th QTR, it will be a Chinese fire drill for him.

That leaves the purpose of having a more astute mentality for game time situations in the hands of series. If Matthews is the QB at some point, his constant work as the #2, would or even #1 will benefit him more with time. Miller in Chicago, gobbled up his playing time when he returned from injury and come regular season, we will see that we have either the #1 NFL defense or at least the #1 NFC defense, for which Matthews has faced in practice. Right now, he's showing why Miller kept the Chicago Bears starting job and why he's just got to work at staying there.

If he doesn't show up by the 3rd preseason, game, yes, he's gone, with the switch to Wuerffel being #2, which I don't relish at all. True Ramsey may benefit financially from some leverage, should we cut Matthews or Wuerffel, before he signs (doesn't seem likely at all), but Ramsey's the new kid on the block and there's a truckload of pain, before the gains.

Matthews has this edge over all of them, and as limited as he may be, it is necessary to have a person on the field, who is at least prepped with more actual game time expertise at the start of this new offense and new coaching staff. Then after the first few games, you can think about switching the roles, if Ramsey's ready and Sage is moved to #1.

Wuerffel may be putting "all" he's got out in the TC, but when the preseason games start with people flying around, he may show why he's so often overlooked.

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I see all four QB's bing kept, because with our offensive line....health will be a big factor!

Whichever QB is playing will have the 3-5 step drop and btter get rid of the ball quickly....or he will be worn out by the 4th qrtr!

Hail al Skins fans!

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He won't get cut.

I don't think that Sage/Danny are "that far ahead" of Matthews. It's really more even that you think. As of now, I don't know who you cut. No one QB is that much better than the next. I guess it really is to early to make that call.

Wait till the preseason games to see what we have, even then I think we'll see good and bad from the QBs. Based on performance at Camp, I have no idea who is a goner, that's why I say to keep all three plus Ramsey...

Someone mentioned IRing him for the year. Is that possible? Would he be allowed to practice with the team?

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The real competition between the quarterbacks begins in pre-season! The job will be won on the field against real competition! We haven't even had real hitting and a real game situation at Camp Spurrier. Matthews is our war horse and will be an excellent influence on our quarterback of the future, who is Patrick Ramsey. Sage is a Marty product from our dark past and is not our quarterback of the future. It is obvious who Tommy is rooting for...but I am being objective here and Sage makes no sense for our future. I would trade him right now for help on the offensive line, but guess what...we would have no takers because he has proven NOTHING against real competition. Matthews and Wuerffel at least have a resume and can be considered for the job. They have thrown TD's and played against real competition. Ramsey needs to be compensated...show the kid the money. He is no Heath Shuler....get over our dark past....WE HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE IN RAMSEY!

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Sage is staying with this team so that we can unload him at the end of the year for a 2nd or 3rd round draft choice and then bring in Ramsey.

Look at all the talent he's displaying at camp, plus tommy says he's SS's little teacher's pet. I can really see a Sage and Danny Qb combination. Then we trade Sage and keep Danny and bring in another quality backup (Grahm).

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I forgot the rules on the Practice - Squard elibibility, but I know that you aren't eligible if you are in your third year ... also, if you played a certain amount of time, in your first year, you aren' eligible to be on the P-Squad with the SAME team in the second year.

In either case, Sage is the only cadidate, and he wouldn't clear waivers if we tried it.

I don't think the coaches want to cut Matthews, but if this continues, and Sage and Danny continue to outshine him, I can see it happenning. We aren't wed to any of our QB's except Ramsey.

But it's way too early to judge.

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What you guys are failing to realize is that both Mathews and DW have NEVER been practice players. They both turn it up on game day and both have intangibles during the game that don't show up on the practice field.

If you followed their careers at UF DW would stink it up at practice and then go out on Saturday and tear it up.

No chance Cuts mathews or DW.

NO chance.

Especially with THE guy from Tulane not even signed yet. I think it is more likely the longer he holds out and the more confident SOS is in the qB'S that he is traded.

The holdout will not sit well with SOS.

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Originally posted by Hoosierskin

The real competition between the quarterbacks begins in pre-season! The job will be won on the field against real competition! We haven't even had real hitting and a real game situation at Camp Spurrier. Matthews is our war horse and will be an excellent influence on our quarterback of the future, who is Patrick Ramsey. Sage is a Marty product from our dark past and is not our quarterback of the future. It is obvious who Tommy is rooting for...but I am being objective here and Sage makes no sense for our future. I would trade him right now for help on the offensive line, but guess what...we would have no takers because he has proven NOTHING against real competition. Matthews and Wuerffel at least have a resume and can be considered for the job. They have thrown TD's and played against real competition. Ramsey needs to be compensated...show the kid the money. He is no Heath Shuler....get over our dark past....WE HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE IN RAMSEY!

I am going to remember this post. In the end we will see who can read the writing on the wall. If Sage has a solid first half against the niners "1stD" he will be here for awhile. If I am wrong I will eat the crow. I still believe the job is still open and noone is a lock. I think the job is Sage's to lose at this point though.

And my honest opinion is if Danny or Shane were my brother given what I saw yesterday I would be worried for them.

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