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What happened on the pass to moss?

Ignatius J.

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So on ramsey's first deep pass to santana moss in the steelers' game, ramsey underthrows the ball and it results in an incompletion. What happened there?

It is clear that the defender could not make a play on the underthrown ball. QB's like delhomme and kerry collins make thier living on that exact throw putting the ball in aplace where only the reciever has a chance to make the catch.

But what happens on this play? When I watch the replay the defender is running downfield, santana turns and slows down and gets between the defender and the ball. Then the ball bounces off of someone before it hits the ground. Santana looks upset.

Did santana drop that ball? Or did it hit the defender in the back? The defender didn't seem to react, and santana did, so was this a perfect throw or a poor pass by ramsey? I've watched it several times and still can't figure this out.

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I think I know the pass you're talking about. I couldn't tell ya based upon that, but I believe it has to do wit Ramsey trying to get insync with his new receivers and having to put a little extra on these passes.. these receivers are faster, so just like anything, its timing. I'm glad they've been throwing the ball so much...its better to practice this in the preseason then the regular season, and I think the little we saw of Portis was also a sign of things to come. If I were to guess, it'll be establish the run, get the other team to crowd the line of scrimage, toss it long for some quick scores... but by continueing to run, the defenses will wear down.. and a lead in the 4th quarter can increase..

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The plays that you would usually see that intentional underthrow happen on are either fades in the endzone or sideline patterns of some sort...You are not going to normally see a skinny post get underthrown intentionally too much risk of it being zone coverage and having too many "unfriendly's" hands on the ball! I think he just underestimated Moss' speed a bit and underthrew him. We all know he has the arm to make that throw it's just a question of timing!

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i think it was a catchable ball and i consider it a moss drop. the defender had no idea where the ball was and there was some contact as moss slowed for the ball, but it looked inadvertent (sp?). a lot of recievers would have caught that ball.

underthrown, overthrown it doesn't matter. you can't expect your qb to throw perfect balls all day long. a good reciever would say 'just it get it near me and i'll catch it'.

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Is this the pass that was down the right sideline?

If so, the ball was just underthrown, in my opinion. These guys, Moss and Patton, are fast! Ramsey has to realize these two CAN out run his arm. Something he is probably not use to.

As far as throwing it a little short...I am as big a Ramsey fan as there is! I want him here and I want him to succeed, but I don't know if that throw is in his arsinal, yet. I have never seen Ramsey put one out there a little short for his WR to come back for it. I guess thats the lack of touch he has, and has been working on.

:cheers: Here is to Ramsey putting up big numbers with these fast WR's this season!

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i think it was a catchable ball and i consider it a moss drop. the defender had no idea where the ball was and there was some contact as moss slowed for the ball, but it looked inadvertent (sp?). a lot of recievers would have caught that ball.

underthrown, overthrown it doesn't matter. you can't expect your qb to throw perfect balls all day long. a good reciever would say 'just it get it near me and i'll catch it'.

I happen to agree with you. I see a lot of other receivers making these kinds of catches - Tim Dwight did it a few weeks ago for the Pats in an exhibition game too... and he's FAST.

Was the ball underthrown? Yes.

But Moss knew that.. that's why he was slowing down. The defender actually went past him and Moss got a hand on the ball. He didn't have perfect body control though... so it would have been a tough catch.

But a catchable ball nonetheless.

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Underthrown ball, and not the greatest effort by Moss to make the catch anyway.

Pat will have to learn to put the rock out ahead on deep balls and let his speedy WR's run under them. My guess is he will.

As to Moss' effort, I'd be more concerned about it if he hadn't made a wonderful adjustment and catch a little bit later in the game of another underthrown deep sideline ball.

It was the first drive of the game. Neither guy made a great play there on a play that should probably have resulted in a TD. Good thing games last four quarters and guys get into the flow ... AND that we have this "preseason" deal to get these things worked out. :)

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My opinion on the deep passes is this...

Moss and Patten are both very, very fast. Ramsey throws more of a rope than a rainbow (See Dante Culpepper for rainbow deep passing). Ramsey seems to be having trouble adjusting his deep throws to carry over defenders and is leaving them short. We all know he has an arm, but and arm in a straight line is very different than dropping the 'ol rainbow in the basket. To do this effectively he has to release the ball quicker because the ball hangs out there longer. We know to release the ball quicker he has to read and react quicker which most of us agree is the knock on Ramsey.

I think with more and more practice on these deep routes Ramsey will become a more complete QB...At least I hope so :cheers:

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