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OT-Sometimes I just wonder...


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NFL | Collins Hoping for NFL Return After Prison - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)

15:10 PT: Associated Press reports former NFL RB Cecil Collins, currently serving a fifteen-year jail sentence, believes he’ll be able to resume his career in football when he gets out of jail. Collins is set for a release date in 2014, but believes he could be out as early as next year.

Ya know, I just have to wonder, what ARE people thinking!!



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Well, the judge did say she took his past history in account when sentencing him. Here's an article that mentions some of that.


I'm no expert by any means Ford, I know some here are, but it would appear that the man is quite possibly displaying a pattern of behavior. could be he got the sentence he did in order to prevent him from taking his behavior further. Besides, imagine waking up and finding out this guy broke into your house or apartement and was staring at your girlfriend. shudder. (Then is free to do so again.)

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I know I would be scared to death if I woke up and my neighbor was staring at me and told police he only wanted to watch me sleep. Then again, I sleep with a .380 by my bed.....not sure he would have had a chance to explain if the truth be told. This is a pattern of behavior....scary behavior at that.



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regarding your question, breaking and entering into an occupied dwelling (traditionally at night, but now not necessarily) is burglary, regardless of whether you take something. And burglary is one of the classic criminal felonies, classified as such because it's viewed in much the same way as the other traditional felonies: robbery, arson, kidnapping, rape and murder (obviously they're not identical).

The reasoning is that these particular crimes either involve physical confrontation and therefore the risk of serious physical injury or death to the victim (rape, murder) , or else involve activities with a high liklihood of physical confrontation (kidnapping, arson, robbery, burglary). Such crimes are considered the most serious, more so than for example crimes against property.

Add to that the heightened consciousness in recent years regarding stalking and sexual wrongdoing, and you start to get a clear picture as to why this guy had a long sentence.

Face it, would you want Cecil Collins living next door to your girlfriend, mother, wife, sister or any other woman you cared about? I sure wouldn't, and I'll frankly be PO'd if they let him out next year like he thinks he'll be.

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Oh I think what he did was extremely wierd, obviously messed up, and it would have wigged me out if it happened to me. I just wonder if it warrants 15 years ... I mean I have friends who if you put enough drinks in them might be stupid enough to go do something like that and I'm not saying it's minor, I'm just saying 15 years seems excessive to me .. although before I didn't know anything about his past.

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Heck yeah it warrants 15 years.

It prevents things from happening.

Imagine if stalking resulted in sentences like this, there would be fewer instances of sstalking wouldnt there?

Then build more prisons just make sure they are the spartan variety. One thing I liked about norfolk va's city jail was that it was crappy and the locals were on TV responding to the crooks in jail b1tching about the conditions by saying dont commit a crime and you wont have to live in those conditions.

I'm glad our owner to an extent has a zero tolerance for questionable behaviour.

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Just a question in regard to this article. It mentioned a 6 person jury made the decision. why only 6? I thought it was always 12?

Is it just 6 people for the sentencing part? Is it different for each state? Please enlighten me. :)

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This reminds me of a movie I watched the other night, Lost Highway.

Bill Pullman goes to sleep with his wife, like any other night. But he wakes up in the middle of the night, and Robert Blake (isn't that freaky enough?) who has no eyebrows and clown makeup on is lying in the spot where his wife was.

He wakes up in the morning, and believes that it was just a nightmare. But he discovers an envelope on his doorstep containing a video tape. The video is of he and his wife sleeping.

Wouldn't it be freaky as $hit if you found a video of yourself sleeping? I'd move out of my house and wouldn't be able to sleep ever again.

OK, get back to your conversation. :)

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Originally posted by OrangeSkin

. . . But he wakes up in the middle of the night, and Robert Blake (isn't that freaky enough?) who has no eyebrows and clown makeup on is lying in the spot where his wife was.

He wakes up in the morning, and believes that it was just a nightmare.

Ok, so if I have my facts straight, he goes back to sleep after waking up to find Vinny Gubitosi in clown garb in bed next to him? And what did his wife do when she was removed from bed? I

n case you haven't noticed, I'm not buying this premise.

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