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Ramsey one of the most accurate passers


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enough with the fantasies already!!! it's gotten downright comical.

PR has some strengths and some weaknesses. he's not the second coming of Joe Montana and he's not Heath Schuler either. How about we wait and see if he can lead his team to a victory against the cowgirls?

Another gem by you. I'm sorry, where in this thread did anyone say he was either of those two QBs?! Well some have come close to intimating the Shuler comparison, stupidly, of course, but no one has 'fantasized' on this thread.

This isn't some article by a Redskins fanatic or Extremer. His analysis wasn't developed to advance Ghost's argument or illone's perspective on a message board. Please describe for me how it's a fantasy to discuss one aspect of this guy's research, the same guy who showed how Bailey did not perform his role as 'shutdown corner' this past year.

Basically, your post doesnt' make sense within the context of the thread which was an argument between people who read and understood the point of the article and people who went NUTS because it had a nugget of info that was positive regarding Ramsey.

And uh, by the way, he's the last one to beat the Cowboys ;P

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you're making me laugh! you know the old joke...right?

"How's a statistician using statistics like a drunk leaning against a lamppost?

The post is used for support rather than illumination."

actually you're quite correct: the analysis is doctoral thesis quality! look.....you can prattle all you want about PR. he's all potential at this point - he's not a proven winner against top level competition. THAT'S AN INCONTROVERTIBLE FACT. He leads this team on a victory tear and the conversation is over - there will be no need for the ridiculous rationalizations we've had to endure over the course of the last several weeks. I'm quite comfortable with giving him his chance. I'm just not as anxious as others to accept mediocre performance - but then we all have standards we hue to!!!!

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Well maybe Ramsey was so accurate in 2005 because he threw it deep what 5 times :doh:

Every QB should be accurate on the 5 to 10 yard passes, the problem with Ramsey is when he throws it deep, this is where he is not consistent and you can not keep winning if you have no passes over 20+ yards.

We've been through this before...

Getting kinda boring repeating everything. Ramsey had at least one twenty yard pass in each game he played in except Philly (a total of 14 times. Not bad at all considering how bad our offense was). Besides was the lack of 20+ yards passes Ramsey's fault or the playcalling?

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*yawn* Do you ever like to contribue solid posts to a thread, fansince. If your stance is "this is all pointless if he goes on a tear, but right now he isn't proven," then STOP POSTING TO THESE THREADS.

At least if Spaceman Spiff or illone post, I know I'm going to get some type of analysis or counter to something I said. All you did was post because it had something relating to Ramsey that was remotely positive. So you dismiss it with the old adages about statistics and talk about the results. Problem is, you'd be on board if it went the other way and you know it.

When analyzing the flaws in his game, maybe this type of information will lead people to conclusions, however skeptical, more solidly grounded in fact and logic.

I don't get why you post if it bothers you so much that there's a discussion re: Patrick's ability and potential and previous production (good and bad.) But you like to pretend you're on some type of fence or 'show me' hill, while all the while lamely countering anything that offers up anything that is slightly positive.

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We've been through this before...

Getting kinda boring repeating everything. Ramsey had at least one twenty yard pass in each game he played in except Philly (a total of 14 times. Not bad at all considering how bad our offense was). Besides was the lack of 20+ yards passes Ramsey's fault or the playcalling?

I do think it was part of the playcalling, so can not blame Pat for all of that. When we talk about 20 yard passes, are we mentioning the passes where a RB caught a screen and ran for the yards, or actual passes that went beyond 20 yrds.

Pat has had issues with completing long passes in the past, as well as making mistakes in the wrong places. If he can correct both of those I will be happy rooting him.

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Hey, I am holding out hope for Ramsey, too, and think he has what it takes to get it done. But consider that all this article is stating was that Ramsey was accurate. And who wouldn't have said that last year he was more accurate than Brunnel?

But there's more to it than accuracy, as others have pointed out. I for one would like to see Ramsey's "Bad Decision" stats. Does anybody at Extremeskins subscribe to thefootballscientist.com, or have a copy of his book to sort out all of Ramsey's 2004 stats?

Ok, let me rephrase then...lol...

Why is it that it seems we're not allowed to even acknowledge some part of Ramsey's game that appears positive? Nobody, and I mean, NOBODY, said that this stat shows Ramsey's a good QB...yet everyone reacts as though that's the argument being put forth. In fact, most of us have bent over backwards to point out that the article mentions numerous aspects of a QB's game that are being evaluated, and NOT just accuracy. It just happens, though, that in the accuracy department Ramsey ended up rating highly, and it was a "surprise" according to the author himself.

Seriously, folks, be happy that there's a catagory in which our starting QB seems to be pretty decent...and stop insisting that we either ignore it as impossible or negate it with other issues.

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