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Patrick Ramsey = Kwame Brown!!!!!


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I agree to a point. I was at the Carolina Panthers and Washington Redskins game. Ramsey simple choked on that pass to Moss. Moss had the defenders beat by at least 5 steps and had to stop and come back to the ball to try and catch it. Boom int #1 that quick on a TD pass.

i think Ramsey has to just trust his recievers and say "hey i am going to throw it and your job is to catch it" on the deep passes. Let your speed catch up to the ball and not try and be to perfect with it. Thats how INT's happen.

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I want to reply to all the people hating on Ramsey, jumping ship already, just because Brunell showed a little sign of life. I can't believe after two contests with new receivers you guys are doing this.

So now everyone wants Brunell back in there? Probably all the same people who were chanting RAM-SEY at the Bengals game last year! Ironic we play the Bengals again Friday and all you morons will probably chant BRU-NELL.

How about this. Ramsey is the starter! Get behind him! If he sucks through half the season, then ok, chant for your replacment. But give him a chance, THIS SEASON. He has worked hard all off-season to earn it. Let him progress with his receivers.

I love the Redskins, but sometimes I hate being lumped in the category of "Redskins fans" with all of you. This is why. Give him a shot. If he does not work out, I am sure Joe Gibbs will make the right decision. I am thankful the coaching staff is not as fickle as all of you "fans" calling for ramseys head.

Try and put a little confidence in someone. No need to panic at the first sign of trouble.


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It's the first pre-season game of the year. The only thing we should take away from it, positive or negative, is who got hurt. Noone. It was a good day.

Worry about Ramsey if he looks terrible against the Bears. Formulating sweeping judgements based on a scrimmage and one half of a pre-season game is downright laughable.

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Originally posted by Henry

Worry about Ramsey if he looks terrible against the Bears. Formulating sweeping judgements based on a scrimmage and one half of a pre-season game is downright laughable.

It has been longer then that, he has been like this since he started. What we see now we have seen for some time now.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Utterly false, but why let that stop you?

He has shown potential, but has never been consistent, that is not false. Plus he still is terrible on long throws, for an arm like that there is now reason why he can't throw it deep.

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1. Kwame had more than his fair share of time, he DID NOT have to learn 2 complete sets of playbooks in 4 years.

2. He never controlled 10 other guys and HAD to know what each needed to do to help the team succeed.

3. Patrick was placed behind the FLORIDA boys (1st year), only had 5 blockers against 8 defenders (2nd year), played behind Brunell (3rd year)...

4. Anyone think he might need to get a FAIR shake before we all say he never lived up to the potential we all think he has.

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Originally posted by SmallTownSkinsFan47

4. Anyone think he might need to get a FAIR shake before we all say he never lived up to the potential we all think he has.

that is why he is the starter right now :doh:

Stop with this Spurrier crap, it didn't hurt the other QB's enough with excuses this will be his 4th year in the pros he has to consistent.

Look at Jason, he is already showing he gets it and in 1 game.

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Originally posted by jbooma

He has shown potential, but has never been consistent, that is not false. Plus he still is terrible on long throws, for an arm like that there is now reason why he can't throw it deep.

First of all, the original poster seems to be intent on ignoring the past and only discussing Ramsey's performance this year. That's was what I was addressing specifically.

Secondly, even if I weren't talking about what the original post wanted to, uh, talk about, I disagree with you.

Inconsistant does not equal terrible. He has most certainly not looked as bad as he looked in the Ravens scrimmage/Panther game for his entire career.

He has looked very promising as a rookie.

He looked excellent the beginning of his second season when he was named the starter. Of course that season he was playing on a broken foot and his play began to suffer, but when healthy he looked good.

He struggled when Gibbs changed the scheme. Well, so did the entire offense. I don't think that's necessarily a reflection on Ramsey, and I said as much last year. The offense in it's entirety was awful, though it's worth mention that at least it improved when Ramsey took the field.

And despite all that, despite the injury and the coaching changes and scheme changes he's thrown more TDs than INTs. You know how many third year QBs have accomplished that? Not Harrington. Not Carr.

Is the jury still out on Ramsey? Yeah. I didn't say it wasn't. But we simply cannot dub him a terrible QB, or the next Kwame Brown (Kwame Brown ... are you kidding me?) because he didn't look great in this first pre-season game. As I said before, that's laughable.

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Originally posted by Henry

Tell me, after his first game how did Ramsey look?

:laugh: Like a Hall of Famer.

Lots of people on this site are guilty of an extremely narrow perspective, apparently unaware of something called 'history' and that some of the REST of us might actually recall vividly how well someone played or what potential they flashed or what aspects of their game they improved.

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It's an interesting analogy. Being a die-hard 'Skins and Wizards fan, I've always rooted extra hard for the 1st round draft picks. I've always wanted them to shine and be All-Star caliber players for 10 years.

Unfortunately, Kwame's time had to end in D.C. - mostly from his doing. I've still got my fingers crossed for Patrick. I'd hate for him to be forced out of town and then shine somewhere else.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

that has to be one of the silliest things you have ever posted.... in your extremeskins history, which is full of silly posts

nah there have been others :D, i meant he was very poised for his first time in action

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Originally posted by jbooma

nah there have been others :D, i meant he was very poised for his first time in action

But he was playing against guys that wouldn't have started for Auburn..............

As Henry said: To base anything on what you saw in the FIRST pre-season game is laughable.

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Stop with this Spurrier crap, it didn't hurt the other QB's enough with excuses this will be his 4th year in the pros he has to consistent.

That's an unfair statement. Ramsey has only been the Day One starter for one of those years, and that year he was playing hurt. (Incidentally, that year was his best statistically.)

How did Trent Green look after three years? What about Drew Brees? Brett Favre? Jake Delhomme? Matt Hesselbeck? None of these guys were consistant starters after three seasons, and every single one of them has been to a pro-bowl or Superbowl or both since. The simple fact that Ramsey's career hasn't mirrored Peyton Manning's after three seasons does not make him a bust.

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Originally posted by Henry

Is the jury still out on Ramsey? Yeah. I didn't say it wasn't. But we simply cannot dub him a terrible QB, or the next Kwame Brown (Kwame Brown ... are you kidding me?) because he didn't look great in this first pre-season game. As I said before, that's laughable.

I never compared him to Brown :cool:

My comments were more of things he has done his entire time in the NFL that he still struggles with. Pat is one of the best QB's when you need that rocket throw in the middle. Where he has struggled is touch throws and his deep throws. Even under the Spurrier offense he missed wide open guys many times deep.

I hope he does well, all I am saying is what I have seen so far I am not sold. I don't think he should benched though, only if he plays like this through the first couple games of the regular season, then we might need to make a change.

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Originally posted by Henry

That's an unfair statement. Ramsey has only been the Day One starter for one of those years, and that year he was playing hurt. (Incidentally, that year was his best statistically.)

How did Trent Green look after three years? What about Drew Brees? Brett Favre? Jake Delhomme? Matt Hesselbeck? None of these guys were consistant starters after three seasons, and every single one of them has been to a pro-bowl or Superbowl or both since. The simple fact that Ramsey's career hasn't mirrored Peyton Manning's after three seasons does not make him a bust.

Didn't Jake take off in his second year, the same with Farve. We are also in an interesting year since this his contract year and we have a young QB that Joe likes as well.

The one thing no one knows is if Pat is going to want to stay after this year, he will be a FA and he can go anywhere. No one knows what the future holds for him.

You can not compare Pat to those other QB's since it was a different time in the Farve in Trent days, now two you can compare him with are the ones that were drafted with him.

Pat has a lot riding on this season.

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I wish the people who think their :pooh: don't stink and do nothing but mock people and call them morons just because they come here to voice an opinion would just stop with the lame jokes. You all are not that witty.

Sorry but alot of us were disturbed by Patrick's performance on Saturday, not because of one interception. But because the Patrick Ramsey who played Saturday night looked an awful lot like the Patrick Ramsey from the last couple of seasons and if that's the QB we're still getting, then this is going to be a long season.

Everyone wants Patrick to do well. But at some point "potential" has go to turn into "production". There's been zero progression in Patrick's game and in fact he's regressed. I defy anyone to pull out videos of games from his rookie year or early in 2003 and compare that Patrick Ramsey to the one on display last year or in the game last week. Gone is the "gunslinger". The guy who ignored the rush and delivered the ball. Where's the Patrick Ramsey from the Titans game of 2002 or the guy who started 2003 so great against the Jets, Falcons and Giants?

I hope Patrick can get it together and begin to display, even if it's just a hint ,some comfort in the pocket and more importantly some confidence in throwing the ball beyond 10 yards.

No one is looking for super stats or a win from Patrick Ramsey this Friday, but is too much to ask that a professional quarterback who's entering his 4th season look like he's confident in throwing a deep pass?

I don't know about the other folks who've criticized Patrick this week, but for me, I've only been critical because I feel he can do better, I've seen him do better and I want him to do better.

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Originally posted by scruffylookin

No one is looking for super stats or a win from Patrick Ramsey this Friday, but is too much to ask that a professional quarterback who's entering his 4th season look like he's confident in throwing a deep pass?

:cheers: :cheers: :notworthy

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