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Gibbs and the Play Action


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I've been reading a lot of articles about the shotgun, and new blocking schemes, but what about the play action pass? Yesterday we didn't run the ball so we couldn't keep the Rav's honesty. Honestly we should be able to run on the Rav's They don't have a good front line. The Goose and Sam Adams are gone, and the currenty crop of DL do not keep Ray clean. With that said, why didn't we run play action passes. I think we could keep teams honest. Teams would stop the blitz because they would repect the run. For our personel I think it fits real well. Is it an a part of Joe's arsenal? I think it would be great if we ran the play action. I know we don't want to get CP beat up selling the run, but it would free up the feild for the WR's and underneath for Cooley. I think we could sell the play action like Boomer Eisason. :D

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Wasn't Portis there? I thought it was just that Gibbs and co wanted to see the passing game.

Since play-action is a vital part of GIbbs' offense, it's not so surprising that it was tough to throw the ball, and that the Ravens could blitz constantly.

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Umm yeah. I'd say it's in his arsenal. Watch the games and you'll see it used many times. Watch games from yesteryear and you'll find that it was used to great success, ( Ryp to Clark or Sanders many times). Not too worry. Just check out what Doc said about this stuff in his interview and all will be well. :)

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Portis was there.....he caught a pass on the 7-on-7 plays.

Did not, run the ball and I think was held out for the 11-on-11 scrimmage (probably to evaluate Rock, Dietrich, Betts etc.)

Guarantee the PAP will be used this year......you have to with a run-dominant O.

That's Gibbs Bread and Butter- modifications or not.

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Guest Matt Kyriacou

I used to love the play action pass on third and inches during Gibbs I. I am sure that we will see plenty of play action this year as well.

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Tell ya what. Here's a trip down memory lane for ya, ( such as it is). It's the above mentioned 3rd and 1, or better yet it's the first play or 2 after a score or turnover by the other team. Doug, Ryp, or whoever, brings the team out of the huddle and then settle under center. Signals are barked out and a back motions out of the backfield leaving Byner, Riggens, ect. all alone. Tight End steps back and motions to the other side. Right about now the Defense is beginning to shuffle its feet nervously but still convinced somebody is going to be running the ball. Ball is snapped and Ryp, ( for the purposes of this, we'll go the Ryp), takes the ball and fakes the handoff to Byner, ( same goes), and then pulls it back. He rolls a few steps to one side, turns, plants and throws a perfect post or fade to Gary or Sanders who if not already in the endzone make it there in short order. Oh yea. Joe knows playaction. And timing. :)

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