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Kudos to all at ES


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To any and all who make up this great site,

This is probably my one and only post ever, but I just wanted to let those of you that have put this site together know that you have done a tremendous job and provide a valuable service.

I've been reading this site for a few years now, and ES has become, as my friend said, "one-stop shopping" for this Skins fan. In addition, the content, especially these recent training camp reports, is so insightful -- it blows any newspaper report out of the water. In years past, I'd grab the paper first thing and read their training camp reports, but now I just come here.

On top of that, I also find these reports pretty darn balanced considering where I am. I have completely tuned out the garbage and misinformation you find in the Washington Post and national outlets nowadays (due in large part to the Nunyo file). And no matter who is posting, the news is nine times outta ten exactly right! It's more than just refreshing.... it's actually good journalism.

So thank you very much for putting in all this work...all of you: Bubba, Art, Andyman, Om, those of you doing the reports, and I'm sorry if I'm forgetting anyone else in the ES Army. Just know that there are a number of people like me who aren't posting regularly, but are logging on to read this site everyday.... and not getting much work done b/c of it! Keep it up.

Many thanks,

David in Alexandria, VA

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Excellent to hear from you David. We know there are alot more readers of this site than there are those who post, but its always good to hear from you guys! Glad to have you as part of the Extremeskins community!

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Great post, David and very much on target. This is an incredible site, even for those who just want to catch all the news in one spot. Can one ever get too much 'Skins information?

You really ought to post more often, however, because we can always use more people who can spell and use correct grammar! ;)

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Originally posted by SouthernSkinsFan

Great post, David and very much on target. This is an incredible site, even for those who just want to catch all the news in one spot. Can one ever get too much 'Skins information?

You really ought to post more often, however, because we can always use more people who can spell and use correct grammar! ;)

:laugh: :laugh: :notworthy

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Originally posted by bubba9497

though my contributions are minimal

must............. not............ comment...........

........ must ......................resist................

...can't............ let...........hand...........reach.......keys.......

just playin Bubba.... you are a news-hawk extraordinaire !!!

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