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AP: Wright Goes to Miami in Supplemental Draft


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Southern Cal DT Wright Goes to Miami in Fifth Round of Supplemental Draft


Jul 14, 4:15 PM (ET) Email this Story

NEW YORK (AP) - Southern California defensive tackle Manuel Wright was chosen by the Miami Dolphins on Thursday in the fifth round of the NFL's supplemental draft.

Wright, who was entering his junior season, was the only player chosen in the draft. He was eligible because he is three years out of high school.

"We believe we have gotten great value from our supplemental pick by adding a player of Manuel's talent to our roster at the critical position of defensive line," Dolphins coach Nick Saban said.

As a sophomore last season, the 6-foot-6, 290-pound Wright backed up Shaun Cody and Mike Patterson. Patterson was taken by Philadelphia late in the first round of the regular draft last April, and Cody went early in the second to Detroit. Playing in 11 games, two of them starts, Wright had 23 tackles, including six for a loss, and recovered two fumbles.

"I'm glad to have been picked by the Dolphins and I'm looking forward to starting my professional career in Miami," Wright said. "I appreciate the confidence they showed by taking me."

He had been expected to start for Southern Cal this season, but had academic problems and finally declared for the supplemental draft.

"Based on Manny's performance in the classroom, we've been prepared for this for a while," Trojans coach Pete Carroll said when Wright declared for the draft.

Nearly all 32 teams were interested, but the Eagles and Miami, which sent five scouts to his workout in Los Angeles, seemed to be most impressed.

The Dolphins, who need help on the defensive line, made no secret of their interest.

"By taking Manuel now, we're able to add a young player who we probably wouldn't be able to get next year at that position in the draft, and it allows us to work with him this season," Saban said. "It's a positive for the organization."

Wright was one of nine players in the supplemental draft. By using a fifth-round choice to take him, the Dolphins forfeit their fifth-rounder next spring.

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Gregg Williams' defense thrives based on players that can master a complex scheme and fill multiple roles. That is not as easy a bill to fill as one might expect.

The days of taking a guy like Mario Monds that rates a 9 or 10 on the Wonderlic I think are over folks ;)

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Originally posted by HeHateMe

Could turn out to be an excellent value that the Eagles will regret not using a late 4th on.

Man, you are becoming ridiculous with your claims and hyperbole.

So tell me this, praytell. If he turned into an excellent value, wouldn't every team not named the Miami Dolphins regret not taking him in the 4th? :doh:

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Originally posted by Westbrook36

Man, you are becoming ridiculous with your claims and hyperbole.

So tell me this, praytell. If he turned into an excellent value, wouldn't every team not named the Miami Dolphins regret not taking him in the 4th? :doh:

Teams that were "very high" on him and that had scouts watching his every move, the Eagles, will be regretting not taking him.

The Eagles, from most accounts, were as interested in taking him as the Dolphins were.

Hence, it will burn them A LOT more than teams that had a passing interest, or no interest at all.

Tough to comprehend, I know.

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The Eagles, unlike some other teams I can mention (well, why not? Any team that gives up 2 number ones for a spotty WR) value draft picks.

A fourth was a price that they didn't want to pay for the player. It's like the regular draft. If the Boys are high on a guy and would give up a third but someone takes him at the end of the second, the price was too high for what they were willing to pay.

Tough to comprehend, I know.

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Originally posted by Westbrook36

The Eagles, unlike some other teams I can mention (well, why not? Any team that gives up 2 number ones for a spotty WR) value draft picks.

A fourth was a price that they didn't want to pay for the player. It's like the regular draft. If the Boys are high on a guy and would give up a third but someone takes him at the end of the second, the price was too high for what they were willing to pay.

Tough to comprehend, I know.

Too bad thats a hypothetical.

We know the Eagles wanted Wright. That is a fact.

And they didnt get him.

And once again, it could end up biting them later on.

Quit taking things so personally.

I could care less about you or the the Eagles not using a 4th on him.

If I was trying to attack you personally, trust me, youd know it and wouldnt be around here much longer.

And wow, I'm so hurt by the Galloway reference.

Do you really want to talk about the past?

Because I would love to.

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Just about every team in the league wanted him or had some interest. I'm sure everyone would have given up a 7th if it came to that.

So at this point, you are only arguing semantics based off of what? Reports of what the Eagles wanted. I'm sure they are grounded in fact.

Just like the reports of how interested they were in the lanky QB turned WR for the Jags.

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Originally posted by Westbrook36

Just about every team in the league wanted him or had some interest. I'm sure everyone would have given up a 7th if it came to that.

So at this point, you are only arguing semantics based off of what? Reports of what the Eagles wanted. I'm sure they are grounded in fact.

Just like the reports of how interested they were in the lanky QB turned WR for the Jags.

Every team couldve been interested.


But it was reported consistently that the Eagles had thier eye on him and the scouts were in love with him.

Thats the point.

They loved the kid, and didnt give up a late 4th for him.

Nothing more, nothing less.

And once again, all I said is that it will sting if he turns out to be a force.

As for the "lanky QB turned WR", apples and oranges because the Eagles never had a chance to draft him.

He was chosen before they selected.

Sure they couldve traded up for him.

But the point is that they couldve landed Wright today straight up for a late 4th rounder.

But they didnt.

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The body's the Dolphins have at the DT position are VERY long in the tooth. In Keith Traylor, Tim Bowens, and Jeff Zgonina, they've got three guys who have logged 12 plus years each. I guess that makes Larry Chester, an 8 year pro, their spring chicken. The only problem is that he has battled a series of repetitive injuries throughout his career.

A nice job by the Dolphins at identifying a future problem area, and bringing in a body at an early stage to learn the intricacies of playing in a pro defense.

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Originally posted by Canadian Hog

The body's the Dolphins have at the DT position are VERY long in the tooth. In Keith Traylor, Tim Bowens, and Jeff Zgonina, they've got three guys who have logged 12 plus years each. I guess that makes Larry Chester, an 8 year pro, their spring chicken. The only problem is that he has battled a series of repetitive injuries throughout his career.

A nice job by the Dolphins at identifying a future problem area, and bringing in a body at an early stage to learn the intricacies of playing in a pro defense.

No offense, but there are no a whole lot of intricacies at DT, even in the NFL.

It is a good pickup for the Fish though, for all the other reasons you stated.

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Originally posted by bulldog

Gregg Williams' defense thrives based on players that can master a complex scheme and fill multiple roles. That is not as easy a bill to fill as one might expect.

The days of taking a guy like Mario Monds that rates a 9 or 10 on the Wonderlic I think are over folks ;)

What was Sean Taylors score again?

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Originally posted by bulldog

Gregg Williams' defense thrives based on players that can master a complex scheme and fill multiple roles. That is not as easy a bill to fill as one might expect.

The days of taking a guy like Mario Monds that rates a 9 or 10 on the Wonderlic I think are over folks ;)

Don't mean to pick on you bulldog, but it's football. The schemes are not actually all that complex. One has but three seconds to get to the QB. One needs guys who can flat get after it.

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This was an excellent pickup bythe phins. Not only did they get him in the 5th, but he used the lower of thei two picks to do it. Now they basically gt a guy a year or 2 early and are able to old him.

Also, just because he isnt classroom smart, doesnt mean he isnt football smart. You dont need to know the square root of a football field to be good.

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