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Internet Problems


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I am having some internet problems. The past couple of days I haven't been able to go on the internet cause I have no connection. But the strangest thing is that I was able to connect to AOl Instatnt Messenger, and recieve my mail.

I have Internet Express, so maybe that can be the reason.

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By Internet Express I assume you mean The Midwest's Ultimate Provider of Internet Services for Residential and Business DSL.

If so, try some traditional methods. First perform some ping testing. Go to Start>Run and type command. Type CD\ to get a fresh C prompt and type ipconfig/all.

Check to make sure you have a valid IP address assigned to your computer and a valid gateway address. Also check to make sure you have DNS servers assigned. If you don’t have access to your DNS servers you can’t access the Internet via Internet Explorer by typing in a web address (URL). Ping one of your DNS servers to make sure you can access it or type nslookup at the C prompt, which will access them for you. Type exit to get out of nslookup.

If you have connectivity, check your connection. Go to Start>Control panel and select network connections. Right click your local area connection displayed and click repair.

Post again if this does not work and provide more details.

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