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Washington Potatoes?

Thinking Skins

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with all the public issues the local governments in the DC metro area have on the table from education to development and transportation to deal with you would think that something as esoteric as the name of a sports team would be far from the the top of anyone's list.

but once again, as usual, it is easier to get politicians to focus on a symbolic act that requires no potential fallout from voters to actually having to make decisions on tough issues that affect people's every day lives smile.gif

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If there is a name change, you could keep the logo and call them the Washington Warriors. How, because the logo war was already won in court by Snyder and the control of it.

The "name" is the thing that is question and Snyder also has the rights to that name in the AFL business and legal paperwork. He could also have exclusive rights to affiliation, to be extended to his NFL franchise and approved by both leagues, since marketing the name would only take place in the NFL. He could seek approval by the other owners of the AFL to use the name with Washington, so as long as there is no "active" marketing with the name in the AFL. This should only happen if Snyder actually never goes forward with a AFL franchise, but retained the option to.

The other scenario is to use a name like, the Washington Pioneers, which symbolizes the thrust of the 20th Century of the US in areas of outer space, geography, history and the ocean. Something like this would do just fine and the Pioneers is not a corny, passive name, but a fact of American History and culture, as much as the Native American.

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Beleive me, someone will say that Pioneers helped destroy the Native American culture and they will hate that too, some people just ***** about anything. As far as potatoes, we should probably poll the potatoes themselves just to be sure they would be behind the name....let the polling begin, fries anyone???doh.gif

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What is old, is new again.

Nothing new under sun.

Back to the future.

No disrespect intended, but ... isn't this subject tired enough? We've already got a forum around here devoted it ...

Can't see it ever happening. Guess that's why I find the subject tedious. I know some will likely disagree, so I apologize in advance for jumping in. I'm out.

Carry on. smile.gif

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Sorry I replied to the stinking subject! f88k it I'm out too. Just tried a positive for once. Oh and by the way, I guess the American Indian was running around with halos and never prepared for WAR against their brothers, until the white man showed up....Bullsh**!

I would like to know one, at least one, Native American that has had a cross burned in his yard, hung from a tree, run over and dragged down the street in a car, while being torn in small pieces, or rejected employment based on this team name, which actually comes from their own reference to one another. Oh yeah, and calling someone "pale face" is such a lovely thing, huh???

this is a blackman for sure and I don't give a rat's a** if you call them the Washington Ni**ers, with a blackman and Afro as a logo. Why, because black men call each other that, even on the NFL football field. I did think an alternative would help, but, after some thought and recalling some remarks by both sides, this is the way I feel!

I will NEVER SPEAK on this subject again.

[edited.gif by indyskinsfan on January 13, 2002.]

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Guest fuji869

When I lived in Colorado a girl that I worked with her husband was 100% Sioux. His high school mascot was the Arvada Redskins, when they changed the mascot to something more PC he was very upset. I have spoken to a few people who are full or part Native American and they are not offended by the name. Former 49ers O-Lineman is part Blackfoot and he defended the name and said it was not offensive to him.

Look at the Indian on the helmet, he looks like a Bad A$$ that is ready for War! guns.gif

Like Jack Kent Cooke said "A Redskin is a Brave or a Warrior,it is not ment to be offensive"

As much as I would hate it, if it really came down to it we could change our name to the “Washington Warriors” and keep the logo. mad.gif

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I'm half homeboy and half runner of scissors while my other half is just heinz 57 but who gives a f*** we are all Americans in otherwords mutts.

You know how I feel about PC cr@p so I will avoid going down that road.

The Pioneers would be portrayed as being too white and disrespecting the diversity of the metropolitan area.

Just make a simple statement like I do when asked. NO!


Take A Sip of the Marty KoolAid and Believe.

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