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Redskin pro-bowlers


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I was just thinking about it... And we could reasonably have 7 probowlers next season, barring injuries, suspensions, etc. of course...

Beginning with our defense...

Marcus Washington, already a probowler, and no reason to see why he shouldn't have the same type of year and a repeat back to Hawaii.

LaVar Arrington, with more talent than Marcus, he should have an equal or better year. Also, with the name recognition, I would be shocked if he didn't get the call up.

Shawn Springs, if he has a year like last year's, I couldn't really see him not being in the probowl. The media would have to take notice of two stellar seasons in a row, and there was a time when Springs was one of the bigget CB names in the NFL. And with last year's selection of NFC CBs in the probowl...

Sean Taylor, obviously only if he plays 14+ games this season. A first alternate last year in his rookie season, there is no reason why he can't channel his offseason anger onto the field. He should have another superb season, if he does manage to get onto the field. Plus, no publicity is bad publicity, as they say...

Cornelius Griffin, jipped last year, and if the defensive line puts up similar numbers and he plays the same, much like Springs, there is no way the public can look past him. He was heavily praised last year and I would bet on him being at least a first alternate, if not better.

Jon Jansen, with so much talent on our offensive line, and with two key additions from last year in Rabach and Jansen, I would bet on a supremely better line. In pass protection, run blocking, yielding less false starts - the line will be better in all of these aspects, especially with another year of Bugal coaching. And at least one player will be given credit for this turnaround, and Jansen will be that guy, even more so as he is arguably the most talented player we have on the line.

Clinton Portis, he was I believe a first alternate, even though he put up better numbers then Ahman Green, who made it. Portis will be much, much better than last year, and at some point the media will take note. If he can be a first alternate in a year considered by many (mistaken) fans/reports to be a "bust," then when he plays up to par... He'll certainly get the nod.

Santana Moss should have a very good year, at least reception and yardage wise. If Coles caught 90 passes last year, Moss should get at least 90, probably more. Moss had a much, much higher percentage of balls caught per balls thrown to than Coles did last year, although part of that may have had to do with questionable QB play on the Skins' part. I don't think he'll make the probowl, (although Coles did in his first year with the Skins), but he should put up solid numbers.

Chris Cooley could easily get 10 touchdowns, but I don't think he'll beat out guys like Witten, Shockey, Crumpler, Wiggins, etc.

Randy Thomas should again be extremely solid, but if he never got the call up with his previous play, then I don't (sadly) see how he will this year.

And Chris Samuels is a very... iffy call there. He has the talent to excell and I think he'll pull it together this year, but I don't think one year will earn him back a call-up to the probowl.

And Patrick Ramsey has some fan-favorites in McNabb, Vick and Culpepper to beat before he'll get the vote ;)

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Originally posted by THEHEREAFTER

you're forgetting the biggest factor. Winning! You have to win to have 7+ pro-bowlers. 10+ wins @least..

If our defense is again #3 or so, then we don't need to win to put defensive players in the probowl. Our defense (and Gregg Williams) will get the recognition it deserves.

And if Clinton Portis produces like he can/will, he will also earn a call up.

Yes, Jon Jansen's selection will probably depend on how many wins we have, but I am asuming our line will be good enough to add to our win total.

I don't think we will send 7 to the probowl, because it seems like the entire country loves to hate us, but realistically, we could/should be sending 7 or so to the probowl.

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Originally posted by SkinsTillIDie

If our defense is again #3 or so, then we don't need to win to put defensive players in the probowl. Our defense (and Gregg Williams) will get the recognition it deserves.

And if Clinton Portis produces like he can/will, he will also earn a call up.

Yes, Jon Jansen's selection will probably depend on how many wins we have, but I am asuming our line will be good enough to add to our win total.

I don't think we will send 7 to the probowl, because it seems like the entire country loves to hate us, but realistically, we could/should be sending 7 or so to the probowl.

Nobody loves to hate you so stop the whining. Your team is just an easy target right now until you PROVE the nay-sayers wrong ON THE FIELD. Everyone knows that winning teams get more pro-bowl recognition. Even a #1 D in a losing season will have some snubs.

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Originally posted by THEHEREAFTER

Nobody loves to hate you so stop the whining. Your team is just an easy target right now until you PROVE the nay-sayers wrong ON THE FIELD. Everyone knows that winning teams get more pro-bowl recognition. Even a #1 D in a losing season will have some snubs.

Unless you are blind, then it is easy to see that members of the national media enjoy making jabs at the Skins, adding unprofessional snide remarks about the team. Plus, as a team who spends so much money, fans of teams that do not have that ability will be jealous/angry/whatever and do in fact take pleasure in our failures.

Yes, we have to prove naysayers wrong on the field. And I believe we will do that next year, hense the optimism. And I also believe that we will have some snubs, but the point was that we should have 7ish guys in the probowl, based on prior performance and talent.

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Originally posted by SkinsTillIDie

Unless you are blind, then it is easy to see that members of the national media enjoy making jabs at the Skins, adding unprofessional snide remarks about the team. Plus, as a team who spends so much money, fans of teams that do not have that ability will be jealous/angry/whatever and do in fact take pleasure in our failures.

Yes, we have to prove naysayers wrong on the field. And I believe we will do that next year, hense the optimism. And I also believe that we will have some snubs, but the point was that we should have 7ish guys in the probowl, based on prior performance and talent.

Unless you are blind, then it is easy to see that Daniel Snyder has made the Skins a laughing stock which makes it easy for the national media to enjoy making jabs @ the skins. You are naturally sensitive to these things because you love your team.

"Plus, as a team who spends so much money, fans of teams that do not have that ability will be jealous/angry/whatever and do in fact take pleasure in our failures."

I couldn't have said this any better. And if you add bringing back a legendary coach and losing into the equation, it only adds feul to the fire.

You should be optomistic about your teams season. I was just throwing in the fact that it will be important for any team to have a successful season to send multiple pro-bowlers.

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Originally posted by THEHEREAFTER

Unless you are blind, then it is easy to see that Daniel Snyder has made the Skins a laughing stock which makes it easy for the national media to enjoy making jabs @ the skins. You are naturally sensitive to these things because you love your team.

"Plus, as a team who spends so much money, fans of teams that do not have that ability will be jealous/angry/whatever and do in fact take pleasure in our failures."

I couldn't have said this any better. And if you add bringing back a legendary coach and losing into the equation, it only adds feul to the fire.

You should be optomistic about your teams season. I was just throwing in the fact that it will be important for any team to have a successful season to send multiple pro-bowlers.

That was my point, how people love to hate us. They love to see our owner throw tons of money away, and for us to still lose. They love to see us fail. Which will only make it sweeter when we win ;)

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Originally posted by SkinsTillIDie

That was my point, how people love to hate us. They love to see our owner throw tons of money away, and for us to still lose. They love to see us fail. Which will only make it sweeter when we win ;)

Exactly! Which is why your energy should be focused on your teams success on the field and not the media. And here's a tip; if you should have another poor season, the media negativity will only get worse no matter who was injured or how close your games are. A hall of fame coach and the leagues highest payroll doesn't allow for too much leniancy..

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Originally posted by THEHEREAFTER

Exactly! Which is why your energy should be focused on your teams success on the field and not the media. And here's a tip; if you should have another poor season, the media negativity will only get worse no matter who was injured or how close your games are. A hall of fame coach and the leagues highest payroll doesn't allow for too much leniancy..

We won't have another poor season. The Law of Averages is behind us. ;)

But I'm very curious to see how the media reacts to a winning Redskin team. We were a piss-poor offense last year, and even then we were just inches away from wins against Dallas, Green Bay, Philly, New York, etc. etc. etc. Just two of those nicks and we'd be 8-8, very respectable. And now that I believe that we are a much better team than last year... 9-7 is reasonable to predict, in my opinion. Of course I won't try to infect you with all of my optimisim... But it would be nice to see a media filled with Joe Theismans. :)

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Originally posted by THEHEREAFTER

Unless you are blind, then it is easy to see that Daniel Snyder has made the Skins a laughing stock which makes it easy for the national media to enjoy making jabs @ the skins. You are naturally sensitive to these things because you love your team.

"Plus, as a team who spends so much money, fans of teams that do not have that ability will be jealous/angry/whatever and do in fact take pleasure in our failures."

I couldn't have said this any better. And if you add bringing back a legendary coach and losing into the equation, it only adds feul to the fire.

You should be optomistic about your teams season. I was just throwing in the fact that it will be important for any team to have a successful season to send multiple pro-bowlers.

Again w/ you?

Unless you are blind, Dan Snyder made himself and our team a laughing stock several years ago. Not recently. Look at what happened last year. Snyder stepped aside and let Gibbs get the guys he wanted. Gibbs made almost uniformly brilliant decisions. Before you throw Brunell in my face, please consider Griffin, Washington, Springs, Portis, Cooley, Gregg Williams, etc. Almost uniformly brilliant. Last season we got slammed for again going after the big names, blah blah blah. The big names performed well above expectations (excpeting Brunell), and still we got no credit. This off season Gibbs was apparently satisfied with our team, and made a few minor changes. And we got slammed for not making enough moves. Until we win, the media will not be happy with anything we do.

Look at the Patriots, they cut Ty Law, bring in Duane Starks, and are immediatly given the benefit of the doubt. I am not saying Starks won't work out, but it is a risk the Skins would have been nailed for had we made the exact same move. Winning cures a lot. Thehereafter, I agree with you about winning, but watch your comments about our owner. Yours is much more meddlesome than ours at this point.

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Best Case: (win 11+ games)












Portis (even if the Skins struggle...he could put up great numbers)

Samuels (2 time pro bowler and could get recognized again)

Griffin (robbed last year...will be rewarded this year)

LaVar (when healthy a perennial pro bowler...he's a lock if healthy)

Washington (made it last year and he's only going to get better with a year under his belt in Williams' system)

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Originally posted by goaldeje

Again w/ you?

Unless you are blind, Dan Snyder made himself and our team a laughing stock several years ago. Not recently. Look at what happened last year. Snyder stepped aside and let Gibbs get the guys he wanted. Gibbs made almost uniformly brilliant decisions. Before you throw Brunell in my face, please consider Griffin, Washington, Springs, Portis, Cooley, Gregg Williams, etc. Almost uniformly brilliant. Last season we got slammed for again going after the big names, blah blah blah. The big names performed well above expectations (excpeting Brunell), and still we got no credit. This off season Gibbs was apparently satisfied with our team, and made a few minor changes. And we got slammed for not making enough moves. Until we win, the media will not be happy with anything we do.

Look at the Patriots, they cut Ty Law, bring in Duane Starks, and are immediatly given the benefit of the doubt. I am not saying Starks won't work out, but it is a risk the Skins would have been nailed for had we made the exact same move. Winning cures a lot. Thehereafter, I agree with you about winning

C'mon man.. is this really an argument goldeneje? Why so testy? How long ago was Spurrier and the fun and gun here? Several years ago or just a couple? The migration of the Florida Gators, Danny Weurful. Just a couple years ago, all I heard about was the 4 Jets and in a flash two of the four are now gone with one leaving @ a big cap hit. Sure Danny brought back Joe Gibbs but he went 6-10 his first year. It's not that difficult.. really.. I didn't say you didn't have any positive signings or bright spots... I just don't think you can say Danny or Joe has turned the program around YET!? The Pats have earned the benefit of the doubt when they make moves because what they do works and they have won 3 of the past 4 SB's. You are slammed and you will continue to get slammed because your franchise has one winning season and playoff appearance in the last 13 or so I believe. Why compare yourself to a current dynasty? You are the opposite of the Patriots right now. All I'm saying is to expect this treatment from the media until you start winning. The Charges were slammed hard last summer. They had a messy QB situation and even a top QB prospect that refused to play for their franchise. The media had a field day. Are they getting slammed this offseason? Noooooooooo! I wonder why?

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