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What's going on in Australia?

Ghost of

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They actually passed a law mandating tolerance in speech by free citizens?

We should have more of that here. We have to make sure we put the kibosh on this 'freedom' thing.


Pastors ordered to apologise for Muslim comments

A Victorian Tribunal has ordered a Christian group to publicly apologise for vilifying Muslims at a religious conference and on the Internet.

The orders are believed the first of their kind under Victoria's Racial and Religious Tolerance Act.

The Islamic Council mounted legal action over comments made during a Catch The Fire Ministries Conference in 2002 and on an Internet website.

Both comments included claims that the Koran promotes violence and terrorism.

Last December the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal found the comments constituted a serious contempt for and revulsion of Muslims.

In a packed courtroom today the tribunal said an apology was appropriate and ordered the group and its pastors to publish a statement in the press acknowledging the breach of the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act.

The two pastors involved have also been asked to give an undertaking never to repeat the comments again.

Outside the tribunal, Pastor Daniel Nalliah said he will not comply.

"Right from the beginning we have stated we will not apologise - we will go to prison for standing for the truth," he said.

The original finding that the pastors breached the act is the subject of a Judicial Review by the Supreme Court.

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Originally posted by Predicto

That the difference between our Bill of Rights and a pure parliamentary system like in Britain and Australia. If Parliament says its the law, its the law. Period.

And don't forget that the governor-general (who is appointed by the queen) can, technically, disband Parliament at any time or even sack the prime minister (which has happened).

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