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Final Statistical Rankings

Guest SkinsHokie Fan

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

Anybody wanna take a stab where our Offense, defense and special teams end up this season. Give some good reasons

Defense: 3rd- This will become number 1 if we get Sam Adams. Nobody will pass on us and no run will go for more then 3 yards but I am still not sure where a pass rush will come from.

Offense: 12th- SD will get his carries no worries there. I expect him to have his best season yet. I just feel it will take a few weeks for the passing game to gel and become a real threat.

Special Teams: Honestly I just can't say. They seemed to do ok last year. As long as Conway is consistent and we give up no big returns I am happy

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Guest Trevor

Defense- 2nd.

Offense- 16th. Was never a Spurrier fan so he's gonna have to prove it to me before I have any more confidence in him. Could go up a bit of we were to sign a playmaking wide receiver. Not nearly enough weapons right now to make me think that this can be a top ten offense. Perhaps the following year if Ramsey is ready and we add some talent to complement what we have.

Special Teams- Not sure if they have rankings for these. Though I think we'll be fine there. Not as confident in Conway as some, but at least he is somewhat consistent. Hopefully one of the young receivers will step up and be a competent returner so that we don't have to use Bailey in any of those roles.

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Offense - 8th. I am still a firm believer that Steve Spurrier is the Midas of offensive football. Everything unit he's ever touched ended up tops in their respective league. We'll definitely be first in the NFC East.

Defense - 3rd. Marvin Lewis. No 56. Trotter. Armstead. Champ. SMOOOOOOT! Need I say more?

Special Teams - Who knows?? I think Cliff Russell or Champ may take a few to the house.

:pint: :pint:

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I think you guys are getting a little carried away with the top 10 offense but hey, it can't hurt to dream right?

Offense 14th - I believe we were 28th or so last year so this is quite a leap. I think we will be around 10th or 11th in scoring though.

Defense 8th - very good but not great. this ranking has to do with our schedule and just dont see us being top 5 in defense when we have to go against St Louis, San Fran, Indy, Seattle, Green Bay, New Orleans, and Jacksonville.

Special Teams -- I really believe these will be special. I can see Spurrier allowing Stock to be creative with some razzle dazzle mixed in. I think that unit will keep some games close that may not have been otherwise.

Turnovers -- I think this will prevent us from challenging for a playoff spot this year. I'm afraid I see something like this this year 35 GA, 25 TA.

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Offense 10th - Offense really gets going 2nd half of the season. I also think this will be Davis' biggest year, which would not be good..for salary cap purposes that is.

(remember Dirk our D went from 30th? 31st? in '99 to #4 in '00...big leaps can happen)

Defense 4th - Our defense usually plays very well against good offenses, so that's not a worry at all.

Special Teams - We have a pretty good kicker(don't know what's up with his kickoffs though), and what could be some of the best return men in the league. And the defensive special teams really improved last year. Hopefully they will continue.

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i totally believe that big leaps can happen. they seem to happen every year on defense (Dallas, St Louis last year). but offenses take more time to gel. continuity is also more important to an offense than a defense. 2 or 3 injuries can cripple an entire offense whereas most defenses would still be able to perform capably provided that they didnt lose a Pro Bowler.

It seems like every year the top offenses are Indy, St Louis, Green Bay, Minnesota whereas the top defenses seem to shuffle around a bit more. why? continuity. these teams have great systems and QB's who have had at least 3 years in those systems. I'm not saying a big leap can't happen, just that it's unlikely.

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True they do happen mostly on defense.

But look at us '98 - '99.

Our offense was horrid the '98 season. In 1999 we had the second ranked O. With a new QB.

You mentioned the Rams. Before Kurt was there, no one ever thought the Rams as an offensive powerhouse. He turned that team around in 1 year not 3.

I know it's rare but not totally out of the question.

You also have to remember last year's system was by design very conservative which kept our numbers down. This year's isn't so much.

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I don't know that the Jacksonville offense and the New Orleans offense scare me that much, although the rest of that stretch has some excellent performers.

I agree that with player turnover usually means instability and mistakes early on. The one thing Spurrier and the team are counting on is these players are familiar with what they are doing for the most part and the transition here may not be as difficult as if we had a new coach with a system that the qb's and wr's had never seen before. :)

On defense, I think the team can be very good with a decent pass rush from the line and linebackers.

If we are able to coax a Marco Coleman-2000 type season from one of the down linemen and get LaVar into the mix on the outside, then the defense will be that much better.

To me the two keys are 1) the play of the quarterback and 2) the pressure the defense gets on the opposition.

Those are the areas the team is going to have to show us they are going to exceed expectations in for this team to take off in 2002.

I said it before, if Matthews completes more than 60% of his throws and has a more td's than int's at the end of the season, the Redskins will be in the playoffs. :)

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The offensive and defensive rankings are generally based on yards, which isn't really the whole story, as some people have brought up by mentioning the turnover situation, for example. But as far as yards go, I do think Spurrier will find a way to get some decent yardage, so I think we'll be in the top half of the league here- I'll say #10. However, I think with the new system and new players there will probably be more than our share of turnovers, so the offense might not be quite as good as it ranks (although I certainly have high hopes for the future).

The defense, which will suffer some from the offense's mistakes- will rank I'll say 7th in yardage given up, but will in reality be a better D than that indicates. I am thinking they will also cause more turnovers than in the recent past, especially if Lewis can figure a way to get a pass rush going. I think the old Ravens' strategy of stopping the run completely and then knowing that the other team is going to pass could work well here. Not because we're that great stopping the run, but because we can afford to focus on it with our corners, and then look out if we get teams in 3rd and long and generate a pass rush.

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Defense: 3rd ....... Lewis is a genius, and w/ that linebacking core & secondary it will be very difficult to score on us.

Offense: 9th ........ Davis is going to run up a storm. He wants his worth after this season to be very high ($$$$), and will do anything to get it. SS will take some time to get adjusted to NFL defenses, but he will adjust and display his ability to coach & win.

Special Teams: 16th. Random #. No logic behind this prediction.

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Defense - Numero Uno. We had the number 10 defense last year despite the first 5 games of the season, Bruce and Marco being out for a lot of the year, an unproven defensive coordinator, Antonio Pierce being our second most prominent OLB, a mediocre Kevin Mitchell at MLB, and a blackhole next to Big Daddy. Not every team is perfect at every position. If so, we wouldn't have much to talk about. :)

Offense - 12th. We'll struggle at the beginning, but pick up steam.

Special Teams - 7th.

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