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Taylor's Wonderlic


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There has been some speculation regarding the intelligence level of Sean Taylor, so I took a look at his Wonderlic score. http://www.bendomenech.com/blog/archives/001444.html

(It's too long to post here)

Out of 141 players listed who were in the same draft as Taylor, Taylor's Wonderlic score of 10 is better than seven (7) other players. Taylor has an unfortunate combination of lack of intelligence and lack of common sense. To me, this indicates that he is unlikely to all of a sudden "get it."

As you can also see, KW2 has a Wonderlic of 12. These guys are proving the Wonderlic test to be a pretty good indicator of intelligence.


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is it just me or are the guys from the '04 draft Miam (FL) class score much less in their wonderlic than any other school colletively.... might be an indication of the type of players they are on and off the field...

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Originally posted by bubba9497

lets see how much more we can find to pile on Taylor..... we need more things to ***** about.

Well, it happens to be the hot topic right now.

But, okay. I'll take you up on that challenge......Googling Sean Taylor's elementary school record right now......

And aren't you the one with the pictures of Taylor in various prison uniforms on another thread (very funny stuff, btw)? That's not piling on??

Or do you take the "I can pile on but you can't" approach?


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Originally posted by HailSkinz1

As you can also see, KW2 has a Wonderlic of 12. These guys are proving the Wonderlic test to be a pretty good indicator of intelligence.

I'm not sure two players are adequate to prove the Wonderlic accurate in a league of hundreds.

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didn't find Montana's, but I found this:

Dr Sportslove-

While searching the internet, I stumbled upon your column...

You seem to know a lot about sports, so here's a question for you- What did Joe Montana score on his Wonderlic exam? I'm an avid Joe Montana fan and can't live without knowing what he scored on it, mainly because I'm a nerd and I love intelligent athletes...

Dear Montana Maniac,

I'm also a big Joe Montana fan and I would love to know what he scored on the wonderlic test. I have to admit, however, that this information is difficult to find. The league doesn't like giving out wonderlic scores even though it's technically public information. I'm sorry to say I was unsuccessful getting the score, but thought you might want to know how a few other players fared on the exam. In a recent Sports Illustrated article, sportswriter Rick Reilly took the exam for fun and compared his score with some other notable athletes. Here's the URL to check out the article. It's pretty funny. Again, I'm sorry I don't have the information for you, but (being the Montana fan that I am) I would love to know if anyone else out there happens to find out his score.


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Originally posted by dfitzo53

I'm not sure two players are adequate to prove the Wonderlic accurate in a league of hundreds.

Actually, the test stands on it's own for being an accurate evaluator of intellect. It didn't need Taylor or KW2 to help.

I'd be curious to see results from others in previous years to see if it can be used to predict character (meaning, do players with low scores end up in trouble more often than players with high scores).


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Originally posted by HailSkinz1

Actually, the test stands on it's own for being an accurate evaluator of intellect. It didn't need Taylor or KW2 to help.

I'd be curious to see results from others in previous years to see if it can be used to predict character (meaning, do players with low scores end up in trouble more often than players with high scores).


I was talking more about character than intelligence, since that seems to be what's actually being discussed here. It doesn't take a whole lot upstairs to know not to wave a gun around and not to do things which are prohibited in your contract.

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Originally posted by dfitzo53

I was talking more about character than intelligence, since that seems to be what's actually being discussed here. It doesn't take a whole lot upstairs to know not to wave a gun around and not to do things which are prohibited in your contract.

I think that's a good question....is there a correlation? Brain surgeons and rocket scientists don't often go around brandishing guns when they encounter problems (at least I don't think they do).


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Originally posted by madisonwm

is it just me or are the guys from the '04 draft Miam (FL) class score much less in their wonderlic than any other school colletively.... might be an indication of the type of players they are on and off the field...

The U players

TE Kellen Winslow - 12

RB Jarrett Payton - 12

G Vernon Carey - 18

T Carlos Joseph - 7

LB DJ Williams - 21

LB Jonathen Vilma - 23

FS Sean Taylor - 10

DT Vince Wilfolk - 10

I think you are on to something.

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Originally posted by HailSkinz1

Well, it happens to be the hot topic right now.

But, okay. I'll take you up on that challenge......Googling Sean Taylor's elementary school record right now......

And aren't you the one with the pictures of Taylor in various prison uniforms on another thread (very funny stuff, btw)? That's not piling on??

Or do you take the "I can pile on but you can't" approach?


The pics are to lighten the mood, and laugh about the situation.. not to incite more suspicion and anger.

This witch hunt mentality has really gotten out of hand. He maybe guilty, he may not.... but lets see what happens.

I mean no one cared about his wonderlic when he was laying out TO last season. Or cared if he was mature or not when he was intercepting passes.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

The pics are to lighten the mood, and laugh about the situation.. not to incite more suspicion and anger.

This witch hunt mentality has really gotten out of hand. He maybe guilty, he may not.... but lets see what happens.

I mean no one cared about his wonderlic when he was laying out TO last season. Or cared if he was mature or not when he was intercepting passes.

And last year he wasn't arrested for aggravated assault. But, some of us on this very site were worried the minute he couldn't decide on an agent and he left the Rookie Symposium. Some of us saw the signs there, but others seem never to see the signs.

And think about it Bubba....if we all took a wait and see approach, how many posts would this awesome site have right now? It would drop 75%. Fact is, this topic is what Redskins fans want to discuss and to (attempt to) prove their points. It's nice we can discuss this without other fans giving us a hard time, because we all know, when push comes to shove, we all want the same thing.

Edited: For the record Bubba, Taylor's Wonderlic score was discussed in a thread dated March 20, 2004 (yes, I looked it up). It is something we've been talking about before he hit the field.


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2-The NFL has everal tests they dont publicise for personality and common sense (you people dont think they get every bit of knowledge before making decisions that cost millions of dollars?)

3-I would be more interested in what type of personality Taylor is typed as, is he introvert etc etc.

4-all this speculation is stupid until we have more info.

5-I cant wait till the season starts and we can end the stupidity.

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nd last year he wasn't arrested for aggravated assault. But, some of us on this very site were worried the minute he couldn't decide on an agent and he left the Rookie Symposium. Some of us saw the signs there, but others seem never to see the signs.

Right on H

Bubba..... :doh:

Raise your hand and wait to be called on

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Originally posted by spearhed

Right on H

Bubba..... :doh:

Raise your hand and wait to be called on


And last year he wasn't arrested for aggravated assault. But, some of us on this very site were worried the minute he couldn't decide on an agent and he left the Rookie Symposium. Some of us saw the signs there, but others seem never to see the signs.

come on now, that is a huge leap to assume those actions suggest future criminal behavior.

and all his agent "problems" He was one of the first of the top 15-20 picks to sign and get in camp last season.

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