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Everything posted by mac8887

  1. No I just don't think Sam should be absolved from any blame. I like Sam and think he can be good and was his biggest supporter earlier in the year. I just don't understand why people don't think we should consider a qb first round. Sam is good at a lot of things, but there is nothing he does great that you can make a game plan to mask any other offense deficiencies. Think the read option with rg3. With sam by the time we get a strong enough supporting cast in the o line and skill position players to be ready to compete with the best, Terry will be old, jahan will be expensive, brob will have taken a lot of hits. We will be living on a prayer with either Sam or a rookie qb but if the rook can do something elite it can help mask other needs in the near future
  2. Again my only point the entire time is that Sam was at fault. I never said that nobody else was at fault that play. I don't like ebs playcalling more that anyone else, and I know that Wylie is not good. Buy I just watched the play again. The receiver was in better position. To block the d end than Wylie was. My whole point is that Sam isn't absolved of any blame on that play and there are many that don't think k any blame should be put on him My entire point is Wylie isn't the only one that should be blamed on that play
  3. I read a ton, and the reading I do get is a bunch of Howell apologist that are saying a 4 and 9 qb deserves to keep his starting job next year, no questions asked even though he has shown 0 growth, continues to make poor decisions, and doesn't have the metrics to back up good play whatsoever. I've watched that play 100 times the last 2 days, and howell deserves just as much Blame for that play than anyone
  4. You literally can't blame the olineman, he did not have the ball in his hand whatsoever that play. He definitely doesn't have the greenlight to call I time out either.
  5. Again, Sam was the only player who had 1 job that play. It's on the qb to scan the field pre snap and look for a possible bad situation before snap. He did not. its Sam who threw the ball, its Sam who failed to call time out, its Sam who didn't adjust the play at the line. Its not like Wylie could move over 3 yards to line up over the d end before the snap. The defender was 3 to 4 yards away from Wylie and also juked left to create more space. If Wylie lunges forward to try to engage him there he is probably called for ineligible. How to you expect Wylie to cover 3-5 yards in less than a second?
  6. If we can get to #2 we might have a shot. Man hee looks smooth. I like maye and daniels as well
  7. I actually don't mind that. If the qb was good he would throw for the first down getting a big chunk of yards to go with it. Better than a shotgun run that gets stuffed everytime I agree ebs offense smells like wet farts but if the qb was in between good to great he would make the offense better. That's why it makes me believe they both stink, Sam's fart might not be wet but it definitely don't smell good
  8. Your right, he would do himself a favor playing one more year in college, there isn't really a reason for him to declare, he'd probably fall the the 2nd round. I'm not sure how much he makes Nil but I'm sure he wouldn't lose to much money by staying one more year. He reminds me a lot of Purdy. He should hone his skills, if he has a good year he'll be a 1st rounder next year in a much weaker qb class The difference is we won't be mortgaging the future if we lose out. One of the top 3 qbs will be there for the taking. We will still have all of this year's and next year's draft capital to move up or down in the draft and build up the rest of the roster
  9. If he was that bad he wouldn't be on anyone's list fir a hc interview, let alone brought over here to be the oc. Now he might actually be horrible, but a great qb makes even bad coaches look good. So my best guess is we have a subpar oc with a subpar qb. I don't want either of them, if I had to choose to keep one it would be Sam. Not necessarily because I think he is a better qb than eb is oc, I just don't like that eb refers to himself in the third person, seems like an egomaniac, and his way of coaching is for highschool kids that need discipline on and off the field, he is definitely not one players will be able to build a great trusting relationship with. I want a younger coach, their seems to be the old school way and the new school coach/players being friends and coaches relating to players better. I think the new way is the way to go. These dinosaur coaches aren't doing to hot these days and I'm sure having a younger cooler coach will help bring better free agents. I think Jay gruden would've been good if he had a decent gm, and am owner that was anyone other than Snyder. To late for that now though
  10. He might not be able to, but that could be a reason the offense is predictable. He did have timeouts though. Maybe eb believes howell doest have the mental makeup to check or to even run the offense eb might hypothetically want to run. Maybe the offense is dumb because Sam is dumb and not eb. We can't know either way, eb has been around one of the most brilliant offensive minds ever for a long time so you would think he would've picked some things up, but he could be a trash play caller. I don't think we will ever truly know who is mostly at fault, Sam seem like a good holsom guy that wouldn't out his coaches, and even though eb seems like an egomaniac I don't think he would throw his players under the bus
  11. No, I just watched the play over and over, the edge defender was lined up over our slot receiver. There is no way you can expect Wylie to engage him that quick. Should have been seen pre snap by the qb and accounted for. If there rookie d end can see our formation and jump it based on that, then our franchise qb should be able to realize that's a possibility, look over and see that the end is lined up over the receiver and made adjustments. I wouldn't be surprised if Sam didn't think the guy was going to drop back in zone coverage. There were three receivers over there with only 2 dbs and the edge lined up over the slot. It could very well be that Sam was the dummy.
  12. But with all the cap space and all the day 2 picks you don't think we could field a serviceable oline, while still getting a possible blue chipper at qb. What if we pull a Dwayne haskins get our qb and if there is a tackle we really like then trade back into the first and get him. Use the cap space on some serviceable ends, and maybe a guard. We could probably get back into the 1st without even using a future first
  13. The end was lined up very wide, and was standing 3 to 4. yards away from Wylie, even if he would've started forward instead of drop stepping im not sure he would've even had a chance to engage. The distance was to great. It should've been seen and adjusted for pre snap by the qb. And on top of that, who is to say that the dropstep isn't how he was coached to block that play. On top of that the defender juked away from Wylie creating even more distance. 3 to 4 yards is a lot of ground to cover for a big fatty who is already not the best moving tackle.
  14. Why does Howell get a pass, Wylie wasn't in that defenders mind knowing what he was thinking. The defender gets paid to, it's not like he wasn't trying to not engage the blocker. There are tons of interceptions that fail to get to the receiver, especially ones that get jumped on out routes and crossing routes. Who is the olineman that gets the blame for those?
  15. He didn't expect it because he was not mentally prepared for it pre snap. That one read was the only thing he had to be ready for on that play. I've heard offensive lines be blamed for picks, but this is the first time ever anyone has ever heard of one single offensive lineman be blamed for a pick. I don't like Wylie either, wouldn't even come close to calling him serviceable, but you can't blame a pick on him, he has more to think about on that play then sam, who to block, how to engage, being weary of being ineligible down field.
  16. I'd much rather have a sack than a pick 6. Or even better throw it in the dirt. I don't think it's asking a lot for a qb the to think of the possibility of a guy jumping that route when it's the only route run on the play. Especially with Kerrigan on staff. Someone has bound to have told Sam in his entire qaurterbacking career, hey watch out for someone jumping the screen
  17. Yes, if you got that play called in the huddle then you have got to be ready as a qb for a person to jump that route. You gotta have stuff like that in the back of your mind. If it's not on the qb to be mentally prepared for that to happen then who is. Wylie didn't throw the pick neither did eb.
  18. How about being outplayed by tommy devitto and Tyrod taylor. Or him leading the league in pick 6s, or maybe leading the league in sacks, or maybe the offense stalling out in between the 40s. Or maybe the fact that the pundits have gone from Washington's got there guy to washington needs to be seriously checking into these qbs. Or maybe the 4-9 record. Or maybe ranking towards the bottom in most if not all of the qb metrics.
  19. I know, dyami is not looking to good and you would think Sam and him would have better chemistry. One thing that I don't understand is even after talking all throws hits Sam's clock still feels the same, maybe that's a good thing and means he's tough and he's mentally strong and won't break under pressure, but it could also mean he has trouble adjusting. I like the guy, he is tough as nails, but taylor was tough as nails to. I don't want to lose out if we are going to pass on qb. If we are not going qb I'd like to see Sam lead us to some victories here at the end. It would be better for his confidence and we would probably still be in position to land one of the top 2 tackles.
  20. I have already made my mind up. If he wins enough games to keep us out of position to draft one of the top 3 qbs then good, he deserves another year, but if he doesn't, then how can you not take one of the top 3 qbs. Name one part of Sam's game that is elite, or even has a chance of becoming elite. Daniels has elite speed, c.williams is elite at improvising, and maye has elite prototypical size with a more powerful arm and just as good speed and maneuverability in the pocket as Sam if not more so. Sam has proven no more than any of these guys and these guys will be on the cheap for 5 years to Sam's 2.
  21. I remember taylor. I didn't want to settle for him either. Sam might turn out to be good, but he also might have peaked his 2nd to last year at unc. Your right we don't know what we have with him, but we do know that tommy devito got his number. If Sam can even be as good as kirk, that still shouldn't be good enough. They are calling the top of this qb class one of the best ever. If we don't take our shot now then when? Maybe he will play good enough that we aren't in position to get one of the top 3 qbs, if he does then great, get some o line help and run it back with him. But if we continue to lose and have the chance to get one without trading up you gotta pull the trigger. Remember how fun that 2012 season was. To have a qb that was elite at one facet of the game makes such a huge difference. They say williams is elite at improvising. Daniels has elite speed. Look at some of his runs, he runs away from lbs and dbs. And if maye is a taller Howell than he is better than Howell.
  22. The drop machines that you talk about rarely get the ball on the numbers or in stride. A lot of those drops came on throws to the lower part of the backside hip, no excuse to the receiver but those were throws 5 yards in front of th los. That is not good enough. And I don't like eb for the shot gun runs on 3rd and 4th and 1 but I do like that he likes to throw the ball. You say it's bad scheming, but I haven't heard anyone in the media say that. And even if it's been bad it's not consistently bad, but I'll tell you what has been consistently bad and that is our qb play the last 5 out of 6 games. Maybe the receivers are covered, good qbs will throw into single coverage putting the ball where only his guys can get it at least giving his guys a chance, or at worst throw it away. Sam though, throws into double or triple coverage, or holds the ball and takes big loss drive killing sacks. I've watched every game this year and watched replays. Yes Sam has had some good games, but not good enough to win against good teams, but here recently he stinks. He has regressed. Yes I get the line is bad but there are so many times I've seen the line hold up well enough and not enough good comes out of it when it does. I liked Sam a lot early this year. So much so I was wishing we were the redwolves. But he is not the guy.
  23. I really don't get the howell love. Everyone keeps saying it's basically his first year, it's not, it's toward the end of his second year. We haven't seen him get any better since the beginning of this year. His metrics are not good. In most He is 22 or worse. He leads the league in picks, and even worse pick 6s and has had 2 other pick 6s dropped along with 4 other dropped into. He throws into double and triple teams all the time. His accuracy is subpar more often than not. And the thing that is the worst is that he never steps up into the pocket. He is to short with short arms so he can't step up in the pocket, he won't be able to see anything. So instead what happens is he tries to run out and runs right into defenders arms for sacks, ive seen it happen so many times, hi pocket presense is not good, its like he doesnt feel the pressure at all. He drops back and stands flat footed like a statue a lot. He holds the ball to long which causes more sacks. He has had a few fumbles, one for a td for the other team. I mean yes he has made a few good plays but not enough to win games, and he has made just as many awful plays if not more. Maybe one day he will be ok/decent to possibly even middle of the pack good, but is that really worth passing on a top 5 pick at qb that is a possible blue chipper on a cheap contract for 5 years? I say most definitely not. Sam is like a short Jason Campbell. People say maye is a taller sam howell and would rather keep sam howell because they like him so much. Why, if you think maye is a taller sam howell and you like sam you should like maye even more. Plus c williams and j daniels look to have unbelievable potential, I'm talking Mahomes and Lamar. And I personally like maye a lot as well. If we can get one of those three without trading up you have to do it. We can't afford to pass on the next Tua or Herbert again.
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