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Everything posted by mac8887

  1. Yes, the league is offense driven and becoming more so. Gotta score to win in today's NFL. You might not be able to find size and speed in the later rounds for the defense, but you can find speed
  2. In all honesty dude does show grit, I'd love to see him succeed. I just wish he had either prototypical size or some other elite trait that we could cling to and use to cover up his weakness as he learns exactly how to use his skill set to play at a high level consistently.
  3. Yeah we are already used to giving up 30 points a game, I say focus all money and early draft capital on offense and just try to outscore the other team every week. This d can't get much worse and if we bring in young cheap late rounders on d at least they will be hungry
  4. Sam is one of those qbs that if you look past all the bad things he does, he's a pretty good qb
  5. I'd like ust to go after the UVA receiver Malik washington. Reminds me of garcon
  6. He is plenty tall. I've read he put on 10-15 pounds of muscle while at LSU. The with an nfl diet and lifting regimen I'm sure he could put on another 10 lbs fairly quickly.
  7. I do, I'm just saying, even Dwayne haskins had a couple good games. My point is in those giants games the offense was not good enough. Especially the first one
  8. Allen is just so big and strong, if howell had his size I'd love to run it back with him.
  9. I agree with you there as well, you score 31 you should win, and you can flip it around on the d. All I'm trying to say is it wasn't just a bad d or o this year. In most games we've stunk as a whole. In some games the o played better, and in some games the d would hold the other team to 2 or 3 three and outs in a row and the o couldn't capitalize. Our suckage has been a team effort from the top down I've heard people compare Sam to a rookie, does that mean that the eagles d is trash for letting him score more than a td? Devitto had a nice little streak off over 100 qbr. Plus the offense did nothing that game as well
  10. I don't think you can blame the d solely in those giants games. The o was just as bad in those if not worse
  11. Your right, the d stinks, all I'm saying is in the close games we lost 1 or 2 more plays made by the offense gives us a win. In both Eagles games we had a big lul in the 2nd and third quarter getting stuck in between the 40s. Now the offense did play good those games, just not good enough to win. If they did we would have won
  12. I'm a big no on nix, it would be in essence having 2 Sams on the team
  13. Pickett was never close to being a heisman, and didn't do anything remotely close to what daniels did, plus daniels had a solid year the year before, and many projected him as a 2nd or 3rd rounder. It's not like he has had just 1 phenomenal year and nothing else. He did have 1 year I believe it was his second year as a starter that wasn't good
  14. That's why I've though recently that I'd like to go after the best linebackers in free agency, the position is devalued so even if we have to pay a little extra it won't kill the cap space. We haven had great linebacker play since London fletcher. I like Jamin, but I'd love to have a stud quarterbacks our defense
  15. I'm right there with you, McCarthy seems to grade out as a game manager, maybe in the Brock Purdy mold. I wouldn't mind him if we had or had the ability to get the playmakers San Fran has, but there is only so many of them to go around. But if a new coach really liked him, I think I could get behind him
  16. I love that he has elite speed for a qb. They also say he beats his coach to work every day and he added 10 lbs of muscle this year. With an nfl training and diet regimen he can ad more muscle to help him if he takes any big hits running the ball. His accuracy is also good, throwing over 70% the last 2 years. I think an offensive coordinator would love having this guy to build an offense around.
  17. Sam has some beautiful hair, but it stands really tall, I wonder if they patted his hair down when they measured him because if not it added at least an inch and a half
  18. Take command instant reaction podcast talked last night about meat being meat being left on the bone and says there has been plenty. Pointing out bad timing by howell, and an unwillingness to throw to nfl open receivers and instead holding the ball unless a player is wide open. They say its been happening all year
  19. Big difference in this game is that our d never stops anyone, while the jets o rarely scores. Never vs rarely= jets win in a close one 25-14 in a game that was never really in doubt
  20. I'd probably choose to pinch the girls, I don't even know if I could reach mutumobs nipples
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