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Everything posted by AlwaysBeRedskins2Me

  1. Lol nope. Ole Stink has hyped up Charles multiple times. I hope he is right. Then maybe two of five oline positions are good. Possibly Charles and Cosmi.
  2. I love that guy. He was great on that CBS tv show " SWAT. "
  3. Just watch his hands, if you sit close to him.
  4. Ouch. Sounds like a trip to the ER is needed.
  5. For me, the most infuriating thing about Forbes is all the accolades about his incredible hands and ballhawk capabilities. I have seen balls hit his hands, that even my outta shape, fat rear end could easily catch. And he friggin dropped almost every single one of them! It's mind-blowing. My jaw just hits the ground like wth, is that not supposed to be his specialty??
  6. I sit here wondering to myself, when is the last time a team went from 2 - 0 to 4 - 13? Or 4 - 12. Pretty absurd. I also wonder when is the last time a team went from 4 - 5 to 4 - 13 or 4 - 12 obviously. It has to be incredibly rare. And obviously incredibly pathetic. Smh.
  7. Every time that I hear Van Ginkel, I think about Vanilla Ice 🤣
  8. I can't believe that Philly is 1 - 5 in their last 6 games. They might be one and done. Although I don't think Baker and the Bucs are all that great either.
  9. I tried to do a backflip once but my triple D man boobs blackened both of my eyes 😥
  10. Wait, the Saturday night playoff game is only on Pea****? SMH 😡
  11. All these trick plays. Maybe we will have a fake punt today. Unbelievably we have zero fake punts in the Rivera regime. Dan Campbell seemingly does it every week. Every teams does it occasionally. Except us. We haven't had one since Jay Gruden. Unreal.
  12. I am trying to post a comment and it keeps giving me a 403 error 😡 Whatever that means.
  13. The tankathon people must be absolute geniuses. I am a hardcore football fan and have been for decades yet I couldn't figure out the sos tie breaker stuff on my own, to save my life.
  14. True but being 2 seed means another home game, if they win in round one. Of course if it means losing La Porta then it wasn't worth it. Of course Dan didn't know that would occur.
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